K. Khalid Antwan Burgess Jr.

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Symphony is now 9 months pregnant. And the baby is on it's way. By the way it is a boy. We know that but she will find out sooner or later. They didn't want a reveal but we couldn't wait to know. So yeah. But they wanted to wait for birth. So at their baby shower, they got neutral colors. Everythinnnggggg was that way for a reason!

Symphony's POV

I am 9 months preggers and today is the day. It is March 28. I woke up this morning with a sharp pain. And they were contractions. I am not ready for this. And all I can think about is my sister pushing out 2 of them late June/July. The contractions at first are 10 minutes apart. But after a while, they become 2 minutes apart. And my water breaks!!!!! I have to be rushed to the hospital. I call Khalid from work and he meets us at the hospital. I am in the house with Nehkaia and Ricky when this all is going on. So two pregnant women are wobbling at this point to get to the hospital. And my sister is 6 months going on 7. So it's funniest thing ever but I'm very nervous. Ricky decides to drive while Nehkaia talks me through it all. We make it to the hospital just in time. The doctors check how dilated I am. I am 9.9 cm dilated down there.  I scream while panicking. The doctors calm me down. They assist me in pushing. I push twice and then all I hear are cries that fill the room. My mom and dad along with grandma and grandpa come in the room. They wait until all my family is there to announce the sex. It's a healthy baby boy they say.
Khalid smiles and says the name we choose if it was a boy. He says Khalid Antwan Burgess Jr. Our son will be named after his father. Now my nephews will have some to take care of and horse around with until  they find out what my sister is having. I am excited for her. She can find out real soon. Next month to be exact. The mystery of the twins will be no more. She waited a little longer cause at first she didn't want to know but she can't help it.

So today is the day I find out what the twins are. I am beyond anxious. I know what I have been praying for. Hopefully the Lord has heard my prayers. Sean wakes me uo earlier. Its 6 am. I just want to sleep. But our appointment is at 8:15am so I get it. And the main reason is because I take forever. And being newlyweds we have so much to do. We have to make sure the kids are good. We prep their breakfasts. And lay out the kids clothes for school. Lastly, make sure  Samara is taken care of for when my mom picks her up. By the time we head out the door, we make sure Lyric is up so they can all be to work and school on time. Busy and busier mornings have become our new things.
We make it to the doctor just in time. We sign in amd within 5 minutes the doctor is ready to see us. They check the heart beat and just talk me through what to do in the last trimester and how to prepare for birth etc. Then the turn to Baby A and look for the private areas. Baby A is a girlllll. Omgggggg!!!! Then its Baby B's turn. I scream before she can even say anything. All I see is a thing hanging from between the baby's legs. Baby B is a boyyyyyy!!!! Yes, I couldn't be happier. Now I will have 3 boys and 3 girls. Marc, Custcher, and Baby B. Mickaelah, Samara, and Baby A. What a blessing. Sean is crying because now he can finally have a Jr. And just happy that both babies are healthy. Now we just have to ket the family what the babies are because we have yet to tell them that we were having twins. And then proceed with the sexes.

So we plan a last minute family night. Around 7 pm, my family starts to show up. My mom and dad show up first. Shortly, Khalid and Symph get here with Khalid Jr. Everyone coos over him. He's just so adorable and handsome with quite the personality to be 1 month old. Then lastly, my grandparents arrive. They stayed in town since Symph had the baby. Sean and I can't wait to drop the bomb on them with both of our news.

Sean gets everyone's attention then begins.

He says: So, we thank everyone for the support and yes it has been hard when both of the sisters were pregnant but we thank God for it all. We actually waited to tell everyone the sex of the babies because we wanted to be private about it just in case anything happened. But we know the sex. And frankly, there isn't just one baby but there is two. We are having twins. Once again, she is carrying two babies. I'm excited!!!!!

Everyone is still in shock but come up to me and hug and kiss me. But before they get too hype, I begin speaking.

And today, we went to the doctor to see what they were. Ive been praying since the day I found out for a specific thing and the Lord heard my prayers. He showed once again that he is a faithful God. I prayed for a boy and girl so that my family could be complete and he came through. The twins will be a boy and girl and identical. And we need your help with picking names. The boy name will be Sean Jr. But for the girl we are lost.

Just hope by the time the babies get here, we will have a name we can agree on. And just praying the last few months are smooth.

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