Q. A Blast From The Past

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So it's been a month or so.. Since we buried my grandpa. Life is finally getting back on track. The kids have come around to it all.

But here's what I really want to say...
So this morning I wake up to mail. Unusual mail. Mail that I wasn't expecting. I open up the manila folder that is marked with the words "Open Immediately". So I open them and they're from the Atlanta Bureau's Office. I continue reading.
Here's what they say:

These summons addressed to a Mrs. Sean Kemble are to make mention of a restraining order issued against you by a Ms. Kyline Anderson who fears for her life since your last encounter with her. You must delete her off social media and stay clear of her at all costs. Please report the Bureau within the next 3 days.

I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS FOOLISHNESS! On top of all the family issues I am dealing with, I have to deal with this. I call my attorney that dealt with the remainder of my divorce once I got to Atlanta.. She doesn't answer. So I go in the room and wake up Sean. We head to the Bureau after we get everything settled with the kids.

We get to the courthouse and I am seen right away. I sit at the long table and hear what their lawyer has to say. Good thing I don't have any other court dates. I just have to show that I have deleted all accounts I have linked with her. And then sign an appeal on the restraining order. The appeal doesn't mean it will go away but I just have to abide with the terms. The terms should be okay.. Being that we live in two different states.

I leave there a bit more relieved than when I got the papers that morning. But Sean on the hand is very much livid. We get home and he calls her. I get on the phone with Marcus.

Sean's Convo:
Kyline, why the hell did you do that? After we agreed to let you start seeing Mickaelah... You are trifling. My wife didn't do anything to you. And you guys used to be friends. All that was said that night was facts. How dare you tell the courts you feared for your life when after you saw on vacay, there was no more contact because we were both done .. AND DUHHHH... YOU LIVE IN A DIFFERENT STATE!!

Before she could say but so much.. He hung up on her.

My conversation was much calmer with Marcus. One reason being was that I simply didn't care and two.. It could've went another way..

My Convo:
I received the papers and I respect the terms but I do think it is very trifling that we couldn't handle any issues we have as adults but I digress. Both of you have a great life.

I thank God that I have matured.. Being that I have so much to live for.

A couple of weeks have gone by and just when I thought it was all coming to an end.. I get an unexpected visit from Kyline. During our encounter, she mentions that she wants to see Mickaelah... We let her take Mickaelah out.

When Mickaelah returns back home, she is crying. I ask her what is going on. She tells me that Kyline has hit her a lot of times and then dropped her back off here. Before panicking or reacting irrational because in my head that's exactly what I want to do... I call Sean... He says he is minutes away from the house and will be there shortly.

When Sean arrives, he starts going in. He begins calling Kyline.. But no answer. Then he calls our lawyer. Our lawyer instructs us to take pictures and to find the footage of her dropping her back off from our cameras. We do as we're told and wait to hear back from the judge...

5 days later...

Mickaelah is still traumatized. She won't eat. We decide that we would find a therapist for her. But in the meantime.. I sit on the couch and hug her so closely as she cries. While I am comforting her, the phone rings... It's the judge.. He says the police have located her and for us to come down to the courthouse as soon as possible.

We get to the courthouse and see her. I want to bash her head in as soon as I make eye contact with her. The judge asks her why... She responds with "I couldn't make them pay so I used her as an advantage. I know it would have triggered something in them". At this point, I am beyond annoyed and frustrated. The judge says no more and sentences her to prison for 5 years for assault.

Maybe now I can move on from my last filled with broken relationships and failed friendships.

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