I. My Big Day!

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It's the morning of the big day. The boys head out with Sean to get haircuts. They have enough time to do everything. The wedding is at 3pm. So us girls have things to do as well. My mom and grandma along with my aunts are here. They take Samara and go about their day so that the baby doesn't cloud my memory on all the things I have to do. Mickaelah sits down and gets her hair done. She looks cute after they are done. Her nails and toes get painted after. She looks gorgeous. We are pressed for time so every one starts to get ready. Omgggggg! My wedding is happening!!!!! I make sure all the girls get dressed and then I step into my dress. I walk toward the mirror. When I see myself, I start to tear up. Once I have finished doing that, we head down to the limo. My heart is racing. I have butterflies all over my stomach. I am marrying the man God has sent for me. We arrive at the church the same time as Sean. We double back around so that Sean doesn't see me before the wedding. We get in our room and the wedding will soon start. We pray and then everyone takes their place. My brother, Alan is in town. He has a different dad so most of his life, he lived away. He knows about us. And I love him. He walks my mom down the aisle. My grandpa walks my grandma down. After them, come my best friends. Shavonne and Frankie walk down. They are both already teary eyed. Frankie is holding her tears. But Shavonne is done. Once they are down the aisle, Amari walks Lyric down and Khalid, which is my brother's best friend walks Symphony down. Oh and just a side note, they have been together for about 5 years. When wedding bells ring, I will be happy for them. Then my babies begin walking down. Marc is the ring bearer and Custscher is the best man. He is pushing Samara down the aisle in a white carriage. Yes, all my kids are involved. No, I didn't forget about Mickaelah. It's time for me to walk down the aisle. My dad is one side and Kaelah is on the other. I wanted to make this day special not just for me but for Mickaelah as well. Our bond has grown and along with Sean, we have custody of her. I adopted her as my own.

As I am walking down the aisle, I see Sean eyes light up. My dress is pure white and has a train that is 3 inches long. It has embroidered beading and crystals. All that matters is I am happy, which I know he is glad about. But I also look amazing. As I reach the front, he is wiping away tears from his eyes. He grabs my hands and pulls me in for a hug. He smells so good. But this hug touched my heart because at this point he knows that I will be his and he genuinely loves me so much. Pastor Heriston allows us to have a moment. There is no dry eye. Everyone is crying out of happiness for us. My mom is passing tissues to my dad and brother. Alan is so happy for me. The night before he called me and he talked with me for about 3 hours just to tell me how proud of a big brother he was. It touched my every being. We have always been tight siblings. It becomes time for our vows.

Sean goes first.

Since the day I met you, I fell in love. And yes, people make think it is cheesy but it's true. There is no woman who has touched my whole being like you have. When you came into my life, I was broken and torn and a whole bunch of things that don't matter now because you have filled a void that I vow never to go back to or ever put you through. You mean the world to me, Kaia. I love you. The Bible says a man who finds a wife, finds a good thing. I found my good thing and I won't stop searching to find and keep my good thing. You make me feel so good about life itself and God knows your heart and your mind. And I believe you were sent to me for me. Here's to more life and happiness in Christ.

I had to get myself together. My eyes were filled with tears.

Sean, my grandma always says you never really know a person until you spend every day wanting to know them. I want to know you. Everyone in here knows what I went through before I met you. I moved away to heal. I ate to heal. I stopped working to spend time with my kids to heal. But in all that, you weren't there. When I met you, you were running me down and I was afraid because truth be told, I was okay with being broken. It gave me an excuse to be careless. All my life, I have prayed for someone like you. When I met you, the healing process began and will continue as we grow together. I vow to never give up on you or our family. And just know that, I value you my heart now because you made me realize there was something still there worth valuing. Thank you!

Pastor Heriston now reads to us the initial vows that we must recite. After all that is done, he pronounces us husband and wife. We kiss and walk down the aisle. Once we're outside, the rice is thrown. Sean helps me in the limo and we head to the reception hall.

When we arrive at the reception hall, people on the street are wishing us well. I am so excited to be Mrs. Sean Kemble. My name has finally changed from Nehekiah Lee Ann Jones- Davis to Nehekiah Lee Ann Kemble, no hyphen or maiden name. My life belongs to my family and husband. We sit in the front and talk to as many people as we can. We eat and dance and have fun. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow because we are going on our honeymoon.

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