D. Lyric and The Boys Surprise

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So today is Wednesday and its going to be a busy day. The boys aren't going to school because of course, they have no idea the surprise they are in for. Last night, I asked Lyric after I finished my date with Sean to call out from work in the morning. She was totally confused.

*My Date*
So I'll just update you all on the date. Which was amaaazinnnggg! He was a perfect gentleman the whole timeee. We arrived at this beautiful restaurant called Don Conqui. We talked about everything under the sun. Of course I talked about the boys and my family because they are my hearts. I spoke about the divorce. And I even found out he has a daughter the same age as the boys.
He explained his situation regarding his child's mother. And well, he has full custody of his daughter, Mickaelah.


So its 9am in the morning and we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off. I haven't yet told them what's going on but all I said was we have a lot of errands to run and I needed their help. The kids get dressed and its a colder day in Atlanta so we all throw on hoodies with our outfits. I pack cereal in Ziploc for the boys along with snack and their backpacks. I get Lyric and I coffee ready and pack breakfast sandwiches for us. We have an hour to the airport. And I know by that time, they'll be sleep again. So perfect for the surprise.

We head into the car and be on our way. As I predicted, the boys and Lyric went right back to sleep. We have 10 minutes left. I pull off onto the exit for the airport.

When we get to the airport, Lyric along with Marc and Custcher are still sleeping. I call my Mom and she tells me that their flight just landed so they're on their way to baggage claim. Not long after, her and Symphony are heading out the airport. I get out and place their bags in the trunk and Mom sits next to Marc and Symph gets in the back with Custcher. The van is now packed. As I pull off from the airport, I nudge Lyric to sit up and wake up. As she comes to herself, I tell her to look in the mirror. As soon as she does, she screams. She's so excited to see them. Then I explain that they are making the big move here for good. They'll be staying with us until their house is ready and they move in. Talk about complete shocked, Lyric doesn't know what to do or say.

We head home. When we get in the driveway, I tell her to be prepared cause we have to do this again next week. She's confused but I just say Pop and she catches on so perfectly. The whole family will be back together.

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