E. Sean Meets the Family

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*Family Update*
My mom and Symphony's house is done. The icing on the cake though is my dad is finally in town and my mom, siblings and I couldn't be more happy. Let along the twins. Their Pops was in town. My mom and dad were so excited to be back with each other that they just went for it and went to the Atlanta Bureau and got married. We couldn't be happier. Everything is going well. I'm super ecstatic that we can all be back together again. What a blessing.


Today is the day that my parents meet Sean. I've been raving about him for the past couple of weeks, on the phone and in person to everyone. They knew it was getting somewhat serious and they wanted to meet the man who I was talking about. So dinner was set for 6pm. Instead of going to restaurant, my dad decided that we should save money and just stay traditional and do it at home.

I have a lot of errands to run and we're getting off to a late start. Its now 12 noon and we're heading out of the house. I have to go all the way to Lenox to look for an outfit. Lyric also known as Ricky to us is coming with me along with my other sister Symphony. We arrive to the mall and there's so many stores to choose from but instead we decide to go into Classy Chic and look for a dress. After a number of dresses to choose from, I decide on a black dress with crystals on the sides. One that hugs the curves and will still be classy. We head home and now its 3pm.

I have so much to do in such little time. My hair has to be done and so does my makeup. We get home and my mom wants to see what I have gotten. When she sees the dress, she falls in love. Even though it's simple, she knows I will look great in it. She tells me she has something that will go well with that. She says she has a pair of my grandmother's diamond earrings for me to wear. As she goes to get them, I take my stuff upstairs. When I come back down, I fall to my knees in shock. My grandma is standing in my living room. My grandma. We haven't seen her is so long since her and my grandpa moved after retirement. As soon as I pull myself together and ask where Poppa is. I hear a familiar voice welcoming me. Both my grandparents are here. What a surprise!!!

My mom mentions to me that it is after 4 and I should go get ready. As I head upstairs, my mom follows me and asks me, how does it feel to be surprised. I ask how long have they been planning this. And it turns out that its been a while. My grandparents were going to go visit my mom but when they found out that my parents were coming to live here. They just decided to meet them down here. I am more than happy. Can't help but cry.

My mom leaves me to get dressed. I do my hair. I pull my natural hair into a back ponytail and slip into my dress. I put on my robe and I head into the bathroom and do my face. By the time I am done everything, it is 5:30. In a while, Sean will be making his way over to the house. I go downstairs and my babies are dressed. I have Symph to thank for that. She braided the boys hair and got them ready. Everything smells great. Before I knew it, the door bell was ringing. Sean was here.

We sit down and we have dinner. My parents of course introduce themselves and so do my grandparents. They talk to him and they learn about his daughter Mickaelah. After dinner is over, me and him go for a ride. We just go and get ice cream. And sit in the car. We aren't rushing anything. No relationship until we are both ready.
*one month later*
[Sorry for taking the story so far ahead but don't want to drag it so much.]

Sean has been calling me all morning to make sure I don't have plans for the day.
He says he has a surprise for me. I leave the kids with my mom. The boys and Mickaelah are with my mom for the day. We drive for some time and when we stop, we are at Piedmont Park. When we arrive,  there are people waiting for us. They ask for his name and then we proceed. As we get to the place where we need to be, a person by the name of Dasha hands me a folder. I open it and there are 5 tickets to Cancun. I ask who they are all for. He explains that the 3,are for me and the twins and the other 2 is for him and Mickaelah. The trip is set some time from now. I'm excited and so will the boys be as well.

Before we're done, Sean asks me to be his girlfriend. I say yes. Under one condition. I tell him to just be honest and real with me. He says that he can do that and tells me under one condition as well. I listen. All he asks is that I don't hide my heart because I was hurt. He reassures me that only little boys run from responsibility and would leave a woman like me.

I can honestly stay that this is what I've needed but this time with God. As we drive home, we talk about everything. I ask him, does he believe in Jesus. His answers shocks me. He says there is no one else to believe in. We are off to the right start. When we get home, I tell my mom about the tickets. And that we are official. She screams with joy. Everyone tells Sean the same thing. That he better treat me right.

The Cancun trip isn't until February so that gives us a while to get to know each other and love on each other.

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