N. Girls Trip

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We are so excited to be taking a trip. Leaving work, kids, and partners Home. Just us girls. Fun, friends and drinks. We have finally decided a place. We are going to Jamaica. Been there before when I was younger. But now that I am older and have much more going on, I am hoping to just have a drama free time with friends and lots of fun.... and alcohol. Just hope not to see any unwanted guests or anything. So tired of the mess. I'm  finally happy and have the best family. Oh, also Mickaelah is coming on this girls trip. It's only a week so yeah. And she needs some more time with me being that I haven't really spent as much time with her since Samara and the twins.

Quick Family Update: (CAUSE I love them so much)

The boys are doing so well. They are almost 2nd graders. Almost 7... omgggg, I have almost 7 year olds. A lot has happened since them. The twins Sean and Seana are growing big.  And Samara is too. Sean and I are very happy and of course... he wants more kids. As much as we can have. If I can bear them, then if it's  God's plan... It shall be so.

Yes so we leave for Jamaica in a couple of hours. There is so much I have to do. But first, I make sure Sean has everything for all the children. I tell him that my mom will be coming over in the mornings to help with the boys hair and after that will be taking Samara with her. Then I go check Mickaelah's suitcase. She's a big girl so yeah. She has packed a numerous amount of sun dresses and capris along with bathing suits, towels, etc. She did well packing, even though, it was messy. Once I'm done that.. I check on my husband. He is very irritable being that I will be gone for a while... So I do my wifey duties and give him some. That makes me happy and him as well. By the time all of that is done, it is time for me to get ready to head to the airport. I grab my laptop, car keys, the bags, and head out. My sisters have met me at my house so we all drive to the airport together.


We go through TSA and like always that is one of the biggest hassles being that there is so many people. But we all make it through safely. We get something to eat and head to our gates. When we get there, Frankie and Shavonne, are there.  All the girls are together.

We unwind. And I pour myself a drink. Lyric takes Mickaelah out to the outlet mall to shop. Lyric wants some things and Kaelah loves shopping as well so yeah. So I sit in the living section with Frankie, Shavonne, and Symphony. Frankie brings up an old friend. She says she has been in contact with our old friend, we met and used to  be with in Philly.  So the first person, that comes to mind is Kyline. I am right. It's her. She says that she is on vacation here with someone as well. So we call her to meet up. We decide to meet by the broadwalk by the beach in an hour. So we get ready. I wonder what Kyline wants after all this time. She was there the day my water broke with the twins. It's been almost 7 years since I last seen her. After the twins, she stopped showing her face etc. So I had a lot of questions. I thought we were cool so yeah.

We head to the broadwalk. That is, me, my sister and best friends. We spot her as soon as we get there. So I speak first and ask what has she been up to. She starts talking.

Kyline: So I have been distant, because I haven't been completely honest with you.

I tell her to continue because I have no clue what is going on. My sister is lost and so is Shavonne and Frankie. And no one knows where this conversation is going so we just wait.

Kyline continues: She brings up Bianca.

She says that she set Bianca and my ex husband up because she wanted to see my reaction. At this point, I am fuming and my sister is rubbing my back and each one of my best friends are holding my hand. Good thing because I am close to losing it.

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