Joja - 1

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Edit: Okay I know the first chapter you're supposed to write really well to intrigue readers so they don't click away immediately and I know this is written really badly but if you keep reading later chapters it gets better

Days have lost their meaning; all sense of time is gone. When did you get up this morning? What time is it now? When is your lunch break? Did you work through it? You bet you did. The repetitive ticking of the keys on the keyboard was comforting, but it also made you nervous. Nervous because you knew you would have to hear that same sound thousands and millions of times over. Tick tick tick tick.

The ticking got louder and louder, pressing you to type faster, do more work, driving you insane. They seemed to be calling your name. Louder, louder, and louder still-


"GAH!" You jumped back, almost falling out of your chair. Startled, and breathing heavy, you looked up to see who broke you from your eternal cycle. 

"Girl, you- you don't look so good, actually. You feeling okay?" It was Blain, staring down at you with a bit of a concerned demeanor. She was holding a coffee of course, because Blain could barely stay awake herself, just like you and the rest of the workers at Joja. 

"Oh, it's just you. Yeah I- I feel fine. I'm just tired," You responded, partially lying. There was no way in hell that you felt fine, but you were tired. Tired of this job. Tired of this terrible life.

You rubbed your screen stained eyes.

"You need a drink. C'mon. Lunch break isn't gonna last forever." 

She pulled you up from your seat and dragged you to a small cafe that was in the building. Everything was Joja branded, as to be expected. Blain ordered a coffee for you (with room for cream, of course) as you tucked your stray hairs back into your ponytail and tried to hide your general disheveled-ness. You picked at a loose string on the red bandana around your neck until you felt something hot nudging your shoulder. 

"One human fuel cup, hot and ready for the taking," Blain said as she pressed the coffee further into your arm. She stood sipping her coffee, obviously fed up with the worker that she had some sort of quarrel with over the coffee order. Blain has always been a bit belligerent, but kind to you. 

You took the coffee from Blain and walked over to a table to sit as you mindlessly sipped on cheap, cardboard coffee. Coffee coffee coffee coffee.

"So, farmer girl," Blaine had called you that since you started wearing overalls, but it never really bothered you, seeing that your grandfather was a farmer before he passed, "you doing anything interesting?"

"Never have, never am, never will. Just cut the small talk, Blades, we have nothing new to talk about." Blain sat down across from you and chuckled. 

"So what, we just gonna sit in silence and stare at each other?" She smirked, fiddling with the strings on her unzipped sweatshirt. 

"Like a staring contest? That would be interesting."

"You're a real card, Y/N."

You blew her a sarcastic kiss and she sarcastically caught it and pressed it to her heart, smiling.

You and Blain finished your liquid pain and headed back to your cubicles to hear that wonderful march of your fingers on the keyboard.

Thanks for reading! I hope you like it so far. I feel like it was a little fast, so if you have any suggestions, let me know. 

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