Pay Attention - 10

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Saturday, Spring 6th

Instead of the usual of 'sleep until the sun wakes you up' or the occasional 'sleep until your bladder wakes you up', you were awoken by a knock at your door. You were a bit t'd off by this person already, and they hadn't even said anything yet. You didn't even know who it was.

Instead of just wondering about who this person that woke you was, you shuffled on some clothing and went to see for yourself. Still very groggy, you managed to open both the door and your eyes. It was someone you hadn't seen before. He had a brown mustache, a brown beard, and matted brown hair to match his brown apron. His apron draped over his grey sweater and blue jeans. He had a full figure and smelt of coal.

"Uh... hi there. Good morning." His voice was deep, and he didn't seem mean, but he didn't exactly seem like the friendly type.

"G'morning," you mumbled while stretching your arms unconsciously.

"I noticed that you've been breaking some rocks open and finding ore. That's good!"

"Mhm." You rubbed your eyes, still partly listening.

"If you want to get the most out of the ores you find, you're going to need a furnace. Just so happens I had an extra pair of blueprints lying around. Here, I want you to have them." He pulled out a stack of papers that were disappointingly not blue, but still had some kind of instructions on them. You gladly took them.

"Thanks, uh..." You looked at him expectantly.



"The furnace allows you to smelt metal bars. The bars can be used for crafting, construction, and tool upgrades." What struck you throughout this conversation was that he didn't smile or frown, the tone in his voice didn't really change at any point although it wasn't monotone, and he showed no particular emotion. He was completely neutral. You thought back. Every other person you had met had some distinct personality. Sam was the happy, go-lucky type, Alex was the sporty type, Robin was the chill mom... the closest to Clint that you had met so far was Sebastian because they both were socially awkward around people they didn't know well, but even Sebastian was known as the emo kid. But hey, Clint gave you a gift, so at least he was nice. He was good in your book.

"When you've smelted a few copper bars, consider having me upgrade one of your tools. It can make your work a lot easier." You might have to eventually take him up on that offer.

"Well, okay. I'm heading home. Take it easy." He waved, and left a still yawning you to go back to your business. You were already up, so you it would be pointless to go back to sleep. You grabbed your tools and headed out for the day.

The first thing you noticed was that, again, the red thing on the mailbox was up. You opened it to find two letters, one with an envelope sloppily stamped with 'PIERRE'S' on the front. Pierre must have had that stamp custom made. You chuckled at the thought.

The first word on the page was 'ADVERTISEMENT' in all caps. You had figured that much out already.


"I keep finding cool stuff, but my backpack is full!"

Does this sound like you?' Change backpack to pockets, and then yeah, it does.

'Well, Pierre's got you covered! Stop by Pierre's General Store TODAY and check out our affordable size 24 backpack! See you soon!'

That sounded like the script to an infomercial. You pondered going and buying it today, as you had most likely made enough money off of the parsnips to buy the pack for however much it cost.

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