The Stupid Flower Thing - 16

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Spring 24, Year 1

Sebastian's POV

It was an okay morning. I was working on a coding project that I need to finish tomorrow. Then, when my mother bellowed down the stairs about getting properly dressed, I remembered that today was the flower dance. I don't throw the word 'hate' around a lot, except that I do, but I hate this dance. A blue tux? Flowers everywhere? White dresses? A bowtie? Ugh. I have things to do, deadlines to meet.

There was no point in arguing with Mom, so I put on the tuxedo and looked in the mirror. I look ridiculous. I walked upstairs to find Maru in the lab, in her dress, working with what are probably very dangerous chemicals.

"Oh Honey, you look wonderful." Mom chimed. Maru turned her head for a quick second, and snorted when she saw me. If I were her, I would too.

"It's too big." I mentioned, though that wasn't the only problem with it.

"We can ask Penny to hem it for next year," she brushed off my comment, obviously not understanding that I was trying to find any reason not to wear it. Or maybe she did, but she didn't care. Glad she was thinking about next year already, though.

Much to my dismay, Mom wanted readjust my tux and do my hair. I only let her do one of the two. No one touches my hair. Amidst the hustle and bustle of getting Maru to stop doing science things, Demetrius convincing me to eat breakfast, and while generally getting prepared for this stupid dance, I couldn't get Y/N off my mind.

I'll say it blatantly: I want to ask her to dance with me. She's kind, has a good heart with good intentions, she's a hard worker... but I know she doesn't like me that way. Who would? Abby's an exception, because she's Abby. There's no way I can ask Y/N to dance.

I grabbed a pack of cigs and a lighter before Maru and I were ushered out the door.

Will she be dressed up? Does she already have someone to dance with? It'd be too late to ask her, anyway. She doesn't know the dance anyway. She wouldn't want to dance with me anyway. Maru nudged me as we walked through town square.

"You okay, bud?" Maru and I aren't close. Maru and I have never been close. I must be looking seriously sick for her to ask me how I'm feeling.

"I'm fine." She nodded and we kept walking.

What if I mess up in front of everyone? What if the entire town hates me for messing up their tradition, and never talk to me again? What if Sam and Abby ditch me completely? What if I fall and hurt Abby? What if Y/N never wants to talk to me ever again?

"Um, Earth to Sebastian? You good?" I was thrown out of my self-destructive train of thought by Maru's hand waving in front of my face.

"I-I'm fine."

"You look pale and you're fidgeting more than usual. Are you sure everything's alright? You sick or something?"

"Leave me alone, Maru," I shot at her. I needed to just get over and forget about these stupid feelings by myself.

I let out a sigh of relief I didn't realize I was holding when I saw that Y/N wasn't in the clearing. The decor made me want to run back to my room- flowers at every corner, rainbow frilly things and streamers everywhere. At least the food smelled good, but I had no intention of eating it. Vincent and Jas were already pigging out on brownies. I retreated to a corner when I saw Sam and Abby standing there.

"Hey Seb. You ready to do this?" Abby asked, obviously not wanting to participate. From the recent info I've gathered of Abby having a crush on me, it would make sense that she would be excited for something like dancing with me, but even the flower dance was a bit much for her.

"Ready to get it over with." I replied with a intentional lack of enthusiasm, getting out and lighting a cig from the pack I brought with me.

"Oh come on, you guys, I'm sure it won't be too bad. It's like a minute of dancing and then we get to go to Abby's and play Journey of the Prairie King: Versus Mode. I think it starts soon, anyway." Sam assured us.

Then I saw her. She was in casual clothes- no 'pretty' white dress, but she was the most beautiful person at the Flower Dance. A necklace, a blue shoulder-less shirt and white shorts. She had a sense of style. She admired the decor for a second and bought a rose from Pierre that she stuck in her hair- dang, I should've gotten one for her. No, it's good that I didn't. We're not a thing. We're not going to be a thing, ever. Get it in your head, Sebastian. But that brings up the point- we're not a thing, we're just friends. But- What is she to me? I've never given it a name. Never admitted it. I've just denied it, whatever 'it' is.

I guess I have a crush on her. There, I said it.

Her eyes met mine and I turned away. Next I knew she was standing with us. I'm sure I started turning red in the face, so I took another puff of my cig to hide it. We had a nice little conversation- or rather, they did, I was really just a fly on the wall. If I tried to say anything, I would probably say the wrong thing, and there was no way I was going to mess up in front of her. In front on Y/N. In front of my crush.

Mayor Lewis announced that the dance would be starting soon. Although reluctant, I walked into starting position while Abby had to be pulled along by Sam. Y/N stood to the side and watched along with everyone else.

The stupid music started, and I was more focused on finishing the dance than watching Y/N's reaction to it. I held Abby close like we did in practice, and I couldn't ignore how much she was not-so-secretly enjoying it. The way she looked at me, how she got every single move right. Even I stepped on her toes a few times. She must have practiced at home.

Immediately after the dance was over, Abbigail ushered us to go back to her house so she could put on 'real clothes'. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to Y/N. We played games for a while and Abby's mom made food for us, but it was all white noise. I was focused on what I was going to do with these stupid feelings about a stupid crush. I don't really crush on people, so I've never had to deal with stuff like this before.

I couldn't tell her. There was no way. Even if I did tell her, she'd think I'm just her friend because I like her, and then she'd stop wanting to be friends with me. But she's still my friend. She's my friend that I also happen to have a crush on. Even if we couldn't be together, I'd want to still be her friend.

Maybe I'll just ride my bike out of this place. No more feelings to deal with, no more parents telling me to go outside, no more 'that's not a real job', no more being a huge disappointment to this town, the people in it, and myself. Just me and my bike, and Zuzu City on the horizon. I'll fix up my bike after I finish my current freelance job.

Sorry this chapter doesn't have a lot of words. But OOohoOHohOhoh Sebastian admitted to himself that he has a crush!!! But he thinks Y/N doesn't like him! And Y/N thinks Sebastian doesn't like her! It's so cliche, but I don't care. Cliche doesn't mean bad.

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