Letters - 26 (100K Special!)

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Today was the day- finally! The day Sebastian had been planning for weeks. He wouldn't tell you a single thing about it, which made you all the more annoying towards him, begging him every day to just give you a single hint. You knew he had something big planned.

Thankfully, even though Sebastian wouldn't tell you anything, you knew that he was conspiring with Sam and Abby. Sam was too big of a softie to leave you completely in the dark, so he let you in on that he and Abby heard him talking on the phone with some people, asking for this favor or that or making some kind of plans. Sebastian powering through his anxiety to talk on the phone? That's almost unheard of. Plus he was working all the time, (which, of course, annoyed you, because that meant you didn't get to see him much), meaning that whatever he planned cost a lot of money.

What day was it? Your two year anniversary, of course.

You hopped out of bed, no grogginess to plague you. It seemed that even your body knew it would be an exciting day. Upon going to pick out some nice clothes, you noticed a note taped to an open hangar. Obviously it hadn't been there before, so you tore it from its tape and eagerly read it.

"I was going to try to make this rhyme, but I'm no poet. I watered the crops for you already. Go  to where we first met to start your journey."

Your... journey? Was this one of those cliche puzzle games like in the movies? That's... not like Sebastian. That must be what the help from Sam and Abby was.

Okay, so where you first met... it was hard to recall from two-ish years ago. Wasn't it at the saloon? He was playing pool with Sam and Abby, right? Ah, and Abby was really standoffish! The memories came flooding back, and nostalgia washed over you. But wait, that couldn't have been it, you knew his name by then.

"Wait, the docks!" You exclaimed to no one, and started to head over.

The cool breeze and blooming flowers made the day all the more beautiful. Hearing the crashing waves and smelling the salty ocean air made excitement run through your bones. What was Sebby planning?

A little out of breath from running there, you tried to greet Elliot who stood facing the ocean on the docks.

"Hey, Elliot." He jumped a bit, surprised at the sudden voice behind him.

"Gracious- you gave me a bit of a scare, there."

Wanting to continue with this 'journey', you skipped the pleasantries and got to the point. "Sorry- hey have you seen something... like a, a note, or small piece of paper, by chance?"

He chuckled at your eagerness. "Well actually, yes, that's what I'm here for. Your first clue." The tall man bent down a little to hand you a small, folded piece of paper with a crude drawing on it of a man and a woman sitting together at the edge of the docks. Opening the paper, it read:

"Good job on finding the first clue. I accidentally almost put this one by the pool table in the Saloon, wink wink.

This is where we first met, remember? I came off as so rude, I remember exactly what I said. 'The ocean is best enjoyed alone.' You know, I really didn't mean to be mean. I just... met a newcomer in Pelican. Someone who lived outside of the town in the past. I barely knew what that was like, and I wanted it so badly. So here, take my apology, two years later.

This is coming off as a lot less romantic than I wanted it to.

It just still gives me goosebumps to think that this is where we first met, this was the start of our beautiful relationship."

Your cheeks were hot.

"Aww." Elliot commented on the look on your face. "Young love. So flustering, so romantic. Well, I suppose it's time to head over to the next letter. Ah- he instructed me to ask... you do have an idea of where the next one is, yes?"

Stardew Valley Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now