Discoveries and Drinks - 9

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This chapter may seem like filler, but it's actually a lot of set up for future chapters.

Fair warning, I have no idea how pool works.

Friday, Spring 5th

After gathering all of your materials for the day, you stepped outside to find-

"All my parsnips have grown!" You exclaimed to no one. The rows of hard work popped up from the ground, ripe and ready to be picked. But before you let yourself get caught up in accomplishment, you noticed the little red thing on the mailbox was up again.

You opened it to find a... blue envelope? This was either Blain trying to be fancy for once in her life, or it was... erm, something else. You opened the envelope and read the note aloud, again to no one. Next item on that mental list would be to make some friends.

"To our valued JojaMart customers:" Uh, what? You had quit your job at Joja specifically to get away from them.

"Our team members have removed the landslide caused by our drilling operation near the mountain lake. I'd like to remind you that the drilling was legal, blah blah blah, continued support something something,

Morris, Joja Customer Satisfaction Representative."

So a landslide was cleared over by Robin's house. Great! You put investigating that on the list after the previously mentioned thing that you didn't want to have to remind yourself of. Anyway, Your parsnips grew! Harvesting those would be a good idea!

Squatting down, you grasped the leaves, pulled hard, and... tore some of the leaves out, falling on your bottom. Okay, so you were a city kid. But you weren't dumb. You've seen this done before in movies and books and stuff, so it shouldn't be so hard. You leveled yourself again, grasped the rest of the leaves, and pulled up. It popped out of the ground easier than expected, so you fell, again. Your first harvest! This one should be saved for you. Biting into it, you were met with a mouth full of dirt, success, and parsnip.

Full of pride, you pulled up the rest of the thirty-something (fourty-something?) parsnips, and put them in the box.

Crossing 'grow something' off of your mental list, you moved to your most recent addition to that list, which was to check out that landslide clearing. However, while walking over you were caught Mayor Lewis looking, in what seemed distress, at that old abandoned building that you had passes a few times.

"Oh, hi there," he said a bit surprised. You went over and stood next to him.

"What an eyesore..." He sounded upset, as if it almost pained him to say anything bad about the building in front of the both of you. He was right, though. The brown, pointed-top building had holes in it's wood where moss took it's place, vines grew up it's side and through the windows, and the large clock above the door was stuck in place and chipped from either age or defacement. Faded letters adjacent to the clock could be made out to read, 'Pelican Town'.

Reading your mind, he told you, "This is the Pelican Town Community Center... or what's left of it anyway. After a moment of silence, he continued. "It used to be the pride and joy of the town... always bustling with activity. Now... just look at it. It's shameful. These days, the young folk would rather sit in front of the TV than engage with the community."

You felt a bit guilty, but also a bit offended. You are that young folk. Guilty because when you got home from work that's all you and Blain would do. Watch Netflix, try to catch the next episode of whatever. Offended because you had moved here to escape that life, and besides the occasional 'Queen of Sauce' or 'Living Off the Land', you had been pretty busy with farming and interacting with the community. However, you're sure he didn't mean anything by it.

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