4 for a Boy - 17

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Hey, do you guys like when I write in Sebastian's POV, or not really? I'm of course going to keep the story in mostly Y/N/third person's perspective, but I'd just like to know. Another question, is there no Valentine's Day equivalent in Stardew Valley?

Spring 26th, Year 1

Sebastian's POV

Today was actually going to be an okay day. A very simple day, but sometimes less is more. I was going to finish the freelance coding project I'm almost done with, get some food, have a smoke with Sam and Abby, then come back home and sleep. But life always has to be a living hell, right? So what if Maru wanted to work with me on some science thing. She just wants to do it to make me look stupid! I know nothing about chemistry and building robots! Plus, I'm busy with actual work, and not just experiments. And of course, when Mom figures out that I said no, I get an earful- no, a lecture about how I should socialize and do things with my sister and get off my computer! Does Demetrius ever tell her to get out from behind her desk and go outside? No, he doesn't. Because you don't criticize people like that.

So that's it- no, I'm not suddenly moving to Zuzu. But I am going to push up my plans to repair my bike to now so I can take a ride out to the hill that overlooks the city skyline. One day I do really plan to move to Zuzu and live on my own, though. Mom just wants to yell at me, my half-sister just wants to make me look dumb, Demetrius (my supposed 'step dad') doesn't care at all about me, the rest of the town, including my friends, thinks I'm lazy, and probably what has grown to be worst of all, I have these stupid strong feelings that I've never felt anything like before about a perfect person that could never love me. I doubt that she even likes me. She's probably just putting up with me for some reason. Maybe Mom is paying her to be my friend so she can show the town that she didn't totally fail as a parent.

My toolbox is already in the garage with my motorcycle. I don't exactly want to come out of my room for fear of someone seeing and or confronting me, but I need to get out of this place.


Y/N's/third person POV

Another beautiful spring day in Pelican Town. And an especially beautiful day for a birthday. You tried your best to keep track of the townspeople's birthdays, and so far, you were doing pretty well. You had given a gift to almost everyone so far, and you weren't stopping now.

After Captain helped you out harvesting crops, you took your gift (a bouquet of daffodils and dandelions) down to Pierre's shop, wished him the best, and just talked for a little bit about how he was going to celebrate and all that jazz. Of course, Pierre is always a busy man with a family and full-time job, so it's not east for him to take time for personal things. It sounded a little sad, but he was happy as could be while saying it.

Your original plan was to head back home and fish or chop down some trees, as you were only a few materials short of being able to pay Robin to make a chicken coop for you. That and Blain were really the only things keeping you distracted from your feelings about Sebastian. You thought it was only in the movies that people had their lover or crush on their mind 25 hours a day, but now you understood.

Maybe you should go pay him a visit? Yeah, great idea, torture yourself a little bit by talking to and spending time with someone you can never be with. Of course, you should still spend time with a friend, but Sebastian was different right now. You needed to get over these feelings first. You only realized that your discouraging thoughts didn't stop you when you saw that your feet had already taken you down the path to Seb's house.

The garage door was open, which was strange, because it never is. Various noises of metal on metal filled the air, creating a strange contrast with the chirping birds. Sebastian lay below what appeared to be a motorcycle, tightening screws or whatnot while on one of those rolling boards so he could slide out from under it easier.

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