Preparing - 3

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"Ugh- just- let me help," Blain insisted, picking up a few heavy boxes and leaning back to compromise the weight.

You looked around, feeling a bit melancholy. It was bittersweet leaving this tiny apartment. Well, mean, of course, you would probably think that it would be nice to leave your terrible job and cramped habitat, but this was the first apartment that you had gotten by yourself after you moved out of your dad's house.

"You good, girl?" a voice seemed to ask as you felt something warm on your cheek.

"Huh?" You turned to the voice as the box you were carrying seemed to slip out of your hands.

"Hey," Blain said softly, putting down some boxes in a corner, "I know it's scary, moving to a whole new city. It was scary for me when I moved to Zuzu. But it's going to be okay, and that's a promise."

"It's not that." You wiped your nose and stray tears on your cheek with your palm. "What will I do without my player 2? When I moved to Rocky Point from Scarlettsburg, I at least had my dad. When I moved from Scarlettsburg to Zuzu, I had you. But now? I'm going into this all alone. What if no one likes me? What if I miss my old apartment too much? What if my farm fails? You know I kill any plant I touch."

Blain sighed and motioned for you both to sit down. "What do you think phones are for? I'm one call away. I think that a, everyone will like you because if I can like you, then so can everyone else,"

You giggled.

"b, you aren't going to miss this thing. I've hated it since you bought it. And c, I don't think your farm is going to fail because of how much attention you always pay to detail, but if it does fail, I'm sure that's not the only job in all of Stardew Valley. You're gonna do great. I know it." She wrapped her arms around you and squeezed tight.

"Alright," you took a deep breath and stood up, "let's finish packing."


After you finished saying goodbye to Blain, your boxes sent in the mail to arrive in a few days, you boarded the bus, excited and nervous for your new life.

You wondered what the new town would be like, Pelican Town. It was a beautiful day to find out. The grass was a vibrant green, the sky a mellow and relaxing blue, and the sun, well, perfect for growing crops under! Just as you thought your excitement had reached it's peak, you saw a sign that read 'Stardew Valley 0.5 miles'.

Your smile only got wider with anticipation.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Only about 450 words again, but I'm uploading again later today. I tend to rush through things quickly in writing, so I'll try to slow it down a bit.

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