The Great Chicken Hunt - 19

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Summer 3rd, Year 1

Early in the morning, you awoke to a knock on your door. That seems to be how you wake up most mornings now.

This time, it was Robin. And she brought good news- your chicken coop was done being built! You were now ready to buy and raise some chickens. You had made some money over the past two days, so you could afford at least two chickens and some hay. Marnie's opened at 9:00, so you had a few hours to go fishing.

You went fishing on the bridge by Sam's house this time, instead of in the little pond by the cottage (which mostly just has trash anyway) or going all the way down to the beach. Elliot was at the bridge when you got there. He said something about how it was a beautiful day and now that the season has changed you will be able to catch new fish. You heard he was writing a novel of some sort, and you two talked a bit about how that was going. He was actually out at the bridge because he had hit writer's block and needed inspiration.

When the clock hit nine, you packed up the fish you caught into your bag along with your fishing pole and headed to Marnie's. She was sitting behind her desk reading a book and looked up when you walked in.

"Well hello Y/N, how are you?" She smiled.

"I'm doing alright." You smiled back. She put her book down.

"What can I do you for?"

"Robin just got done with building a chicken coop for me! And what's a chicken coop without chickens?"

"Well of course! You came in at just the right time- I just hatched some new chickies for the summer. Does it matter to you if they're brown or white chickens?"

"Oh uh..." does color really matter for chickens? Will the eggs be of different value or taste? "no?"

"Alright, how many would you like? And will you be needing to buy any hay?" She asked, pulling a notebook out of a desk drawer to write down your order.

"Four bales of hay, and two chickens." Any more, and you're broke. It's already hard to afford food to eat. A crop-less farmer. Making your grandpa proud, aren't you? Marnie informed you of the price and went to get the chicks as you pulled the money out of your bag.

On the way back you saw Sebastian and Sam smoking by the river. You wanted to slap the cigarette out of Seb's hand- sure you've seen him smoke before, but you that doesn't mean you were okay with it then. He's hurting himself by doing that. Pushing that to the back of your mind, you stopped by to say hi. You hadn't seen him since before that talk with Maru, and seeing him out and about with Sam, you couldn't help but feel bad for her.

"Hey guys. What's up?"

Sam nudged Sebastian and told you that Seb was complaining because he's hot, (in more ways than one, you thought) and how that must be because he's in a sweatshirt in the summer.

"It's just because it's the summer. My sweatshirt has nothing to do with it. I wear it year round and I'm fine." He glared at Sam.

"Seb, I wore the sweatshirt. It's pretty warm. Also it's black and soaks up the heat."


Sebastian's POV

I blushed at the memory of her wearing my sweatshirt.


"Whatever the effect, I'm not taking it off ever again." He pulled his hood up and shoved a hand in his skinny jean pockets. "So what's in the carrier?" He puffed his cig.

You held the carrier up to your shoulders so they could look inside. "Chickens!" You exclaimed. Chickens really would be fun to take care of- though you don't really know that much about taking care of them. They can't be that hard to figure out.

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