6 for Gold - 20

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I think this route gets you a 'B' rating. It doesn't really matter, as it doesn't affect your relationship with either character.

Summer 6th, Year 1

You had a few things on your schedule today. In the past few days, you managed to get some money and plant some summer seeds that were growing quite well. With the money you had left, you planned to go outside of Pelican to a laundromat to wash your clothes and Sebastian's sweatshirt (you were sure he hadn't left his room since he let you borrow it).

After getting off the bus from the ride to the small village right outside of town, you noticed all the people outside. It was a Saturday, after all, a perfect day to enjoy the outside. Better enjoy it now, as it's supposed to rain in all of Stardew Valley tomorrow. You were sure that many people were tired of the rain, that Spring had given them enough already, but as a farmer, you were looking forward to it so you could go mining and have a lot of time for it. Maybe you'd find a frozen tear. Maybe you'd give it to Sebastian and see his smile. His rare, sweet smile.

You walked into the laundromat and put in some of your clothes, not really caring about colors or delicates or whatever.

While you were waiting, you struck up a conversation with Blain. Blain texted you a bit about work, hometown stuff, guys, etc. She asked about your stance with Sebastian because of course she did, and you told her that you weren't really sure what to do. You liked him, you had admitted that already. But now was the tipping point for trying to do something about it. At first, you had outright refused to do anything, because you could lose one of your closest friends. Or at least make your relationship awkward when he refuses you. But now you had pushed past that fear (more like 'ignoring it for the time being') and were actually considering- no, not asking him out- flirting with him in some way. Sorry Abby.

You washed Sebastian's sweatshirt separately, as you didn't want to accidentally mess it up somehow. You didn't care if it cost you an extra three bucks.

Once everything was done washing, you packed it up and walked around for a while, looking at the new shops (a nice change from the small town shops that you see every day) and the lemonade stands kids were running (looked like it was straight out of a movie). Pollen and petals were carried by the soft breeze that swayed the trees.

You headed back into town on the bus. Captain was by the bus stop, holding a stick. He eagerly awaited your arrival.

"Hey there, Cap. You wanna come with me to put my clothes away and return some stuff?" You bent down to him and talked about chores as if they were exciting. He barked and jumped up in response.

"So yes, then?" You laughed. "Come on, buddy."

After watering your crops and putting your clothes away in the cottage, you... stood there pondering what to do. Of course, you knew you had to return the sweatshirt, but were you going to do anything else? Was flirting with him a thing you were going to do, a thing you were thinking about doing, or a thing you would need to think about thinking about doing? And if you were going to do it, you would need to think about how you were going to do it. But first you needed to decide if you were going to do it. Well, just like every presentation you had ever done in school, you thought to just wing it. Because evidence has shown that you're real good at that, right?

Captain followed you on your way over. You thought about every rom-com Blain had ever dragged you to see. Smile, speak confidently, be clumsy, wear 4-inch heels, be Reese Witherspoon... okay, maybe something else. Looking up some flirting tips may be a good idea, except you had a flip phone that you could only text and call on. "Just be you, girl" you were sure Blain would say. As much as she wanted you to end up with a guy, she wouldn't support the relationship if he liked you for someone you pretended to be instead of just liking you for you. But you still didn't even know if you were going to try flirting with him. You valued your friendship with him more than you wanted him as a boyfriend.

Stardew Valley Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now