A Day with Sam - 11

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Hi everyone! Thanks for waiting.

Spring 12th, Year 1

Your phone buzzed like no tomorrow. Blain was obsessing over you having a strange feeling about Sebastian and she wouldn't drop it (as you had asked her to multiple times) until you 'admitted' that you had a crush on him. But there was nothing to admit. You stopped tilling the soil and took out your phone, because the amount of vibrations coming from it had almost numbed your thigh.

The screen was lined with notifications.
6:46 am, Blain: Y/N...
6:47 am, Blain: oh come on!! Don't leave me on read!!!
6:47 am, Blain: just say it already.
6:47 am, Blain: YOU
6:48 am, Blain: LIKE
6:48 am, Blain: HIM!

Unlocking the phone, you started to think of anything to make Blain shut up.

Y/N: a. No i dont b. Don't you have anything better to do?

Blain: haha probably but my dead grandpa doesn't have a farm I can run away to

Y/N: Harsh.
Y/N: I didn't even say I have feelings for him

Blain: you said you felt something!

Y/N: So? It could be that I'm really creeped out by him
Y/N: he spends all day in his basement anyway
Y/N: What if I just want to be friends with him?

Blain: Blehhhhh that's no fun I can't tease you then
Blain: But you didn't say you felt like this for anyone else!

Y/N: there's this cute guy I've seen around Pelican
Y/N: his name is like Sam

About a minute went by before you got a response.

Blain: The anime hair dude?

What? How did she...? Hold on-

"Blain!" You yelled into the phone.
She responded with a gut-shaking laugh.
"You stalking me or something?" She laughed harder at your stern tone.
"There's a community page on Facebook with pictures of some of the people there. Hey, there's you!" She stated after her laughing fit. You would have to check out that community page later though, because you didn't have any recollection of anyone taking pictures of you.

"He seems to spend a lot of time with Sebastian." She commented, sounding amused.

"How do you know which one is Sebastian?"

"Exactly what you said- I based it off of your description. I looked for a guy who looks like he spends a lot of time in a basement. He has terrible posture. He probably spends all that time in the basement jack-"

"Blain!" Now you were just disappointed. She laughed again. "Even if I did like him, which I don't, Blain, there's already someone pining over him. And she seems pretty..."

"Protective? Possessive?"


"Ooh. Which one?" She asked, fingers at the ready to look through the community page.

"Purple hair."

"Pierre's kid?"

"That's the one."

"Well of course they would like each other;" she stated the obvious, "they're the emo boy and the emo girl."

Of course they would like each other? When did she get the impression that he likes her?

Stardew Valley Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now