Ocean Boy - 8

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Exposition rains from the clouds like money

Your eyes fluttered open at a little later than six AM. This was strange, because you were used to having to wake up at six exactly. You supposed it was because of the light- or lack thereof. It was raining outside. The next thing you noticed about the rain was the incessant thumping on the roof. It seemed to be amplified by the roof plating. Wait, wasn't the plating rubber? Whatever, you were too tired to care.

You clicked the black button on the bottom of the television after throwing on your overalls to find the same two shows to be the only interesting ones.

You turned the weather on first simply because it was easier to click first. Tomorrow was going to be sunny and beautiful. If that would mean that more people would be out and about, then hey, that's great!

The fortune teller said the spirits were 'somewhat annoyed'. A good day, then, to learn how to roll with the punches in Pelican.

Maybe today you would go down to the beach to fish and earn some money. You could also probably go back to Robin's house and meet Maru like Demetrius said you should, you could check out the saloon again, and you should check the calendar too...

Your little thought bubble was popped by not being able to remember what the first thing on your mental list was, so you just thought that maybe doing one of the things on the list would help to refresh the others. The calendar was close, so why not?

The rain pelted you as soon as you stepped foot outside, but knowing that you would have to get used to it eventually, you continued on to the calendar, stopping to pick up wild horseradish and some flowers along the way. Something new was up on the board next to Pierre's.

You read the new piece of paper and found that Demetrius needed wild horseradish. Hey, what a coincidence! You were planning to go up there anyway! And so, you did.

The door was open, so you went in and held a small conversation with Robin and Demetrius, Robin subtly advertising her business, and Demetrius totally calling her out on it. You unnoticeably looked around for Maru or the other kid, whoever that might be, but saw that they were probably just somewhere in their rooms. You gave Demetrius the horseradish and went on your way.

Although a long trip, you walked down to the beach and started fishing on the boardwalk.

Fishing was hard enough already, and then a person came down the boardwalk that you felt like you were obligated to impress.

He wore a black sweatshirt and black skinny jeans, and sported a 2007 emo haircut. For a 2007 emo haircut, it wasn't too shabby. Obviously this was someone you hadn't met before, so you thought to introduce yourself.

"Hey." You mumbled. Wow. Nice.

You could tell that he heard you, but he decided to pretend that he didn't.

"I'm Y/N, I just moved into the cottage by the bus stop." You didn't look over at him while talking to him because you were semi-deep in fish catching, and you suspected he didn't look over at you anyway.

Unbeknownst to you, he did.

"The ocean is best enjoyed alone, don't you think?" His voice was a bit raspy, but not like Pam's.

You didn't know how to respond to that, so you didn't.

It was about 5:00 by the time he left, and on his way out, he mentioned a little something.

"I'm Sebastian, by the way."

Maybe the whole 'ocean should be enjoyed alone' thing wasn't supposed to be mean. There was something about the people in this town, that deep down, there was a little light in all of them.

You looked over at him, and all parts of him seemed to blend in with the dark clouds and rain above head. Another strange person to add to the list of people in this town that you would want to know more about.

You were so caught up in thought (as you often were) and watching him walk away that you didn't even realize the fish biting away at your pole.

As the mysterious boy sauntered up the boardwalk, he didn't look back.

Short chapter because I'm busy (I know that totally contradicts me saying that I was bored because it's summer but I'm busy now so bear with me).

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