2 For Joy - 13

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Waking up soggy was an enjoyable experience. And if the universe couldn't already tell, you assured it that you were being sarcastic. The overworn, overworked overalls that needed a wash stuck to your body and smelled like rotting fish. You yourself didn't smell so great either. A mixture of that rotting fish with a hint of musty gravel from the farm. It really got you in the mood for breakfast.

Although the putrid water seeped into your sweatshirt, or rather Sebastian's sweatshirt, overnight, it was the only thing that didn't smell terrible. Which was surprising, given that all Sebastian does is sit around on his computer. He's probably never washed the thing in his life.
You decided that you would at least wash it (and yourself) before giving it back, as that would be the least you could do to return the favor. You hadn't spotted a laundromat anywhere in Pelican, but if you had to take the broken down bus all the way to Zuzu, then so be it.

It was a bit earlier than usual to be waking up, but because of this you didn't feel as tired. That didn't make much sense to you, but you were fine to roll with it. It really did stump you that you weren't sure where to wash your clothes. You knew you would need to wash them eventually (as you have been wearing the same clothes for what, 13 days now? 14?), but you didn't have an actual action plan to go somewhere to get them washed.

You changed out of your overalls and into loose light blue jeans and a yellow button-down cactus-patterned dress-shirt, as your boxes of stuff arrived a few days ago. You threw your messy hair into a ponytail for the time being. Admittedly this wasn't an outfit that you wanted to get dirty while farming, but you looked cute, and it would be good to show the town the cuter, not dirty farmer side of you. Not saying that you didn't like the dirty farmer part of you.

You took the sweatshirt and a bag of your dirty overalls balled up with your undershirts, and found a laundromat right outside of Pelican. It was a small, grimy little place that reminded you of when you were little. The location was different, but the dead-eyed stares of people waiting for their clothes to finish washing never changed. Nevertheless, you didn't pay much attention to what the place looked like or what memories it brought back of when Mom would take you there, as that wasn't what you were there for.

You washed the clothes, thinking about Mom.

While the clothes were being dried, you texted Blain.

Y/n: Hey B

In under a minute, she responded.

B: hey what u up to
Y/n: nm just at the laundromat washing some clothes
B: oh really, is that what u do at a laundromat
Y/n: lol how goes work
B: it goes. How's work for you? Making good money?
Y/n: enough to sustain myself yeah
B: how are Sam 😘😘 and Seb 😍😍?
Y/n: very good FRIENDS, B. Oh I guess I didn't tell you about what happened yesterday did I
B: no??? OwO
Y/n: never 'owo'
B: OwO why not?
Y/n: do want me to tell the story
B: yes!!!
Y/n: Ill have to call you hold on

And so you explained everything from Abbigail's mixed feelings about you to Sam throwing you in a river to Sebastian giving you his sweatshirt.

"He gave you his sweatshirt?!" She squealed.
"Yes, because-"
"You can wear my sweatshirt~" she sang.
"Because I was cold- I had just gotten out of a river!" You protested.
"Sam had a jacket and Abbigail had a vest. But you chose Sebastian's sweatshirt." She proved.
"Sam was the one that threw me into the river, and I'm pretty sure Abbigail still hates me. And I didn't choose Sebastian's sweatshirt, he insisted I take it-"
"Do you have a picture?"
What? A picture of the sweatshirt? A picture of you in the river?
"A picture of what?" You asked, calming down.
"Of the sweatshirt. Of you in the sweatshirt."
"No!" You blushed.
She chuckled. Just then, the dryer beeped and your clothes were done drying.
"I have to go, Blain. Talk to you later." You smiled.

Stardew Valley Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now