Meetin' and Greetin' - 7

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I know I said I would update soon and this is way longer than soon but heRE IT IS

I'm really not in the mood to write right now so if it's crappy let me know and I'll rewrite it

Also y'all like exposition? No? Here's more exposition for ya.

The next morning came just like every other morning; faster than you wanted it to.

You rolled out of bed and staggered over to the TV, ready to watch some morning whatever. You slammed your thumb on several different cushy buttons, eventually turning the TV on. There only seemed to be two channels that you cared to watch, so you put one of them on.

"Welcome to KOZU 5... your number one source for weather, news, and entertainment. And now, the weather forecast for tomorrow..."

Tomorrow? What? Why not today?

"It's going to rain all day tomorrow."

"Great," you sighed, but at least the rain is good for your crops.

You flipped to the other channel, wondering if it was actually going to be serious, or just some prank.

"Hoo.. I see a glimmer within my scrying orb... a shard of knowledge from the future!"


"The spirits are somewhat annoyed today. Luck will not be on your side."

"Oh good, just what I needed on my second day here," you mumbled, switching off the TV and tossing the remote onto your bed. When you walked outside, you noticed that the little red flag on the side of your mailbox was up. You walked over and put the little red flag down while opening the slot. A single envelope sat lowly in the back. You had a bit of trouble opening the letter, as your nails were a bit chipped from planting those parsnips yesterday.

The letter read,

"Hello there,

Just got back from a fishing trip. You should come down to the beach sometime. I've got something for ya.


"Well that's not ominous at all. I guess I could go down there. Didn't have any other plans." You said to yourself and decided to head to the beach first, and then meet the other villagers.

You put the note in your pocket and watered your parsnips which- hey! The parsnips had sprouted! So you really didn't kill everything you touched.

Following the note and getting lost along the way, you went to the beach and saw someone standing at the edge of the docks. A lot less... handsome, you would say, than the guy you met yesterday. Just as you started to walk towards him, he started speaking.

"Ahoy there, lass. Heard there was a newcomer in town... Good to finally meet ya."

The man turned around. He wore a stringy dark red shirt and dark long pants. On his head, a dirty hat perched. He had scruffy dark grey hair to match his scruffy dark grey beard and 'stache. The part of his face that you could see was clean. He smoked a wooden pipe, the smoke almost covering his dark green eyes.

"I'm still tryn' to unwind from a month out on the salty seas. It was a big haul! I sold a lot of good fish." He smiled his gritty smile. "Finally saved enough to buy me a new rod." He stepped closer. "Here, I want you to have my old fishing rod." You took the rod from his musty hands and gripped it in yours. It was made from fine bamboo. "It's important to me that the art 'o fishing stays alive. And hey, maybe you'll buy somethin' from the shop once in a while."

He turned back to the sea. The way he looked at the sea... something pained in your chest. You wished someone would look at you like that. "There's good water here in the valley. All kinds 'o fish."

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