Egg Festival - 12

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Hi! I can't remember what Seb says during the egg festival, and I'm not about to go play until day 13 during a school week. I've tried looking at videos and on the wiki, and I can't find it anywhere. Hopefully you understand and like the dialogue I made instead.

The feelings evoked were those of a little kid. An Easter egg hunt. You were so embarrassingly excited about this that you almost forgot to water your crops.
It was a perfect sunny day for an egg hunt. The birds were chirping, the flowers were blooming, and you were dead set on winning. It didn't matter what the prize was, but you were going to get it. You knew you would probably be the only adult participating, but there were only two kids in all of Pelican, and that's no fun!

Arriving in the square was quite a sight to see. There was a booth with Pierre selling things (of course), there was confetti everywhere, and people scattered around waiting for the competition to start. Or not. Someone, I'm sure you could guess who, looked as if they had been forced to be there.

He was leaning against a lamp post, talking to Abbigail - ew - and Sam. You thought that talking to Sam would be ideal, as you two had spent a decent amount of time together over the past few days. As you walked over to him, you felt eyes on you, and then you saw them too- Sebastian's cold, crisp grey eyes cutting through you- or were they? His face was flat. Monotone in an expression. But his eyes were gentle, looking at you.

It didn't matter, because they were hidden beneath dark side bangs and hoodie in a matter of seconds.

"Hey Sam," you spouted cheerfully. "Seb." You nodded towards him. "Abbigail." Good thing your mother taught you how to force a smile.

You're sure she would have sneered at you had her emo boyfriend not been right there. 'They're not a thing' Blain said. Blain didn't know anything. But why should it matter to you?

As soon as you arrived, the conversation seemed to have stopped altogether.

"So... you excited for the egg hunt?" A nervous chuckle followed.
"Yeah, actually. You're looking at an undefeated egg hunt champion." Abbigail stated, pointing at herself. Oh. Well now you have to win.

"Oh am I? Well you're looking at the player that's going to break that undefeated streak." You exaggeratedly pointed at yourself to play-mock Abby.

Sam snorted. "Don't get cocky, y/n. Abby's won every year since she started playing. Plus, she's been here longer than you and knows the main spots where they hide the eggs. The odds are pretty stacked against you."

"Um, okay, wow, thanks for having faith in me, and besides, who cares about odds? I, someone who kills every plant she touches, moved from a big city where I majored in computer science to a farm to make a living. I beat the odds thirteen days ago. The odds can't touch me." Your little speech left Sam chuckling.

"Whatever you say. Just don't bet money on it." Abby said, although you couldn't tell if her tone was playful or serious.

"What about you, Seb? You doing this too?" You asked. You felt kind of bad that Sebastian hadn't participated in the conversation.

"Heh, no, I'm not so much into the egg hunt. I'll pull a prank some other day."

"A prank?"

"Yeah, during these big festivals, Abby, Seb, and I usually pull some kind of prank, on the town," Sam explained, "just for fun."

"Or to get on the Mayor's nerves," Sebastian chimed in. Abby giggled flirtatiously.

"Speaking of the mayor, I'll go talk to him so we can get this thing started, I'm ready to win!" Abbigail ran off. You had to stop yourself from commenting something like, "over my dead body!" or "you wish!", because you felt like it wasn't your place. You weren't that good of friends with Abbigail yet. In fact, you hoped to never be.

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