The Inner Monologue of a Confused Short Emo Boy - 14

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Sebastian's POV

Spring 19, Year 1

Another Friday night over. I say that like it's a bad thing, but I don't mean it that way. I love Friday nights when my friends and I get together and play pool, although it does sometimes overfill my social quota for the day. I beat Sam again. Abby almost bested me, but she had to forfeit because she had to go home early. Sam stayed and suggested another game of pool, but retracted that offer after I reminded him of the numerous times just that night that I had beaten him. So, we stepped out towards the river and had a smoke.

"So... you excited for the flower dance?" Sam asked, although I know he already knows the answer, so why is he asking?

"Hardly. I don't wanna get dressed up, or do that stupid dance I've been doing every year since I was ten, or... ," I complained.

"...or dance with someone you're not interested in?" He leaned over to get a good look at my face through my hair. Shocked, I sat up straight.

"What is this about?" I scowled. Is this about Abby? He sighed.

"Nothing, dude, nothing." He turned back toward the river and puffed his cig. It obviously wasn't nothing, but I don't want to argue with Sam when I don't have to. What was he getting at? 'Dance with someone I'm not interested in'. He's obviously saying something about Abby. Abby and I are best friends. I've never really thought of her as more, and I've never really thought to think of her as more. Did she like me or something? We both sat and took a few more puffs before Sam spoke up again.

"So, what do you think of that new farmer girl?"

"Oh, um..." did this have anything to do with the previous conversation? "She seems nice, I guess. She gave me back my sweatshirt the other day. Washed it and everything."

"Who do you think she'll dance with?" He seemed genuinely curious.

I had to think for a minute. There were an even number of girls and guys that dance with each other in the previous years. Now that it's uneven, I guess she just won't dance.

"Maybe Vince will dance with her. About time he learned." That smart remark earned a chuckle from Sam.

"I think he'd love that."

"So what do you think of her?" I asked.

"I really like her. We've been hanging out a lot. She's very ambitious- working on her farm although she's never done anything like it before. She's humorous too. She jokes a lot and is generally fun to talk to. Vince has grown pretty fond of her- as previously mentioned," he smiled.

A twinge of something -and now that I think about it, it might have been jealousy, no, it couldn't have been- bit at the back of my neck.

"Seems like I'm not the one unhappy with who I'm dancing with." He chuckled at that, possibly nervously. "What, you like her or something?" I shot at him.

"What, you'd be jealous?" He shot back.

I sighed. I just wasn't open to a relationship. Work would get in the way. I wouldn't have enough time to be with them.

Like anyone 'd want to be in a relationship with me anyway.


Thinking about it now, I wish I had never shot down Sam's offer to play pool again. I don't like talking about relationships, especially with the pressure my parents are putting on me to find someone. If I'm content with my current lifestyle, then so be it. And it's like I had thought before- who would like me like that anyway? The way Sam was talking made it sound like Abby does... but I just don't like Abby like that. I'm sure it'd make everyone happy if I just shut up and went out with her. Abby would be happy, my mom would get off my back finally, Sam would ring wedding bells on Abby's and my first date, I would be pulled out of my room more and the town would be happy to finally see me... but I wouldn't be happy. But what does it matter if I'm happy? What difference would it make if I dated Abby? Apparently I'm supposed to make everyone else happy at my own expense. That's why I'm going to leave this sucky town. Once I finish the coding project I'm working on, I'll fix my motorcycle and drive to Zuzu, and I won't look back once.

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