Goodbye - April Fools Chapter 2019

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Edit: Some context from the author- I made this chapter for April fools of 2019, when I was still writing this book. I think it takes place somewhere around the Flower Dance chapters or the fourth heart event.

"To those who care:
First off, I'm not sure you even exist. I'm not sure you've existed for a long time.

Be it selfish, but I feel like no one truly cares about me anymore. Sam and Abby hang out with me because everyone needs a group, otherwise they're seen as the weird one with no friends. I'm surprised Abby and Sam haven't ditched me yet.

Mom isn't a mom. Moms want the best for their kids, want to see them succeed. Want to see them happy. Mom doesn't care about my happiness or if I do well in life. Things were great before the divorce. I was young with no responsibilities, had friends, and parents who loved me. Then Mom and Dad started fighting. About little things at first- who would drive me to school, who didn't clean up after me, who would babysit me on a night out. But soon, there were no more nights out. Those nights out turned into nights of "put Sebby to bed early" followed by muffled screaming over who knows what. Then the day came- they sat me down on the couch and explained in the nicest way possible that they couldn't stand each other anymore. They said that this had nothing to do with me- only later in life did I realize that was a lie, I was the sole reason they broke up.

She wanted me to be perfect so she could pretend that she was strong and fine and had a stable family despite reality being the exact opposite. When I didn't conform to her facade, she hid me in the back of her mind along with her insecurities.

Then she met Demetrius, whom I still refuse to call 'Dad'. They fell in love when I was still a kid and trying to be whatever Mom wanted me to be. I think the announcement of a baby sister is what finally broke me away from trying to be perfect for Mom. She was replacing me. I had failed her. And of course, Maru ended up being that perfect successful child that mom wanted. Maru and I will never be close, because she's everything mom wants and I'm everything she doesn't.

Sometimes I think about what life would be like if Dad got custody. Would I be happy? Would I be interested in different things? Would he be disappointed in me too? It's been a few years since I called him. And it was always me calling him, wasn't it? He didn't want me. He has his own family now- a wife and a little boy. A little boy he actually wanted. A little boy he and his wife talked about trying for, tried for, had, and wanted. Still want.

And then there's now. I'm still a failure. I stay inside all the time. I'm 'The Emo Kid'. I'm not successful in the eyes of others. I truly, really want to not care, but I do. I do care, and I don't know why. I don't want to be rejected by the world anymore.

I try to think of why I haven't left yet- there seems to be no reason for me to be in this town that doesn't care about me, in this house that creaks, with these people that I burden.

But I guess there's been something keeping me here for the past season or so. Rumor spread of someone new moving into that old cottage, and I wanted to stick around to see if it was true. It was, although I never thought she would end up talking to me. We became friends, I'd say. I hope she thinks the same. She's cool with Sam and Abby too. I started to feel really strange about her. A good strange. When she talks, my heart beats so fast it's like I didn't even take my Xanax in the morning. She's so nice- gave me a few gemstones just because she saw that I liked them. They're in my room now- the frozen tears I keep next to my computer monitor, the quartz I keep on my dresser. She tries to get me to laugh; she likes it when I'm happy. But I can't get over my feelings for her. You'd think that how kind she is would indicate that she likes me too, but I've seen her with other townspeople, and she's just that kind naturally. I need to get over my feelings for her, because I know she doesn't feel the same.
But I'm rambling at this point.

In summary, now you know why I'm leaving. Why I left. Why I'm riding my motorcycle off somewhere and never coming back.


A tear dropped onto the old notebook paper as I signed it. Why am I crying? I should be happy that I finally found the courage to leave. I wonder if anyone will even notice I'm gone. They'll probably just think I'm still in my room.

I ripped the paper out of the notebook and taped it to my monitor. I checked my bag one last time- laptop, wallet, notebook, phone, a frozen tear.
I put on my jacket, helmet, bag, and started up my motorbike. I opened the garage door and took off towards somewhere, anywhere. I hope Y/N will be okay here. I hope she takes care of herself. I hope she finds someone and starts a family here in Stardew. She deserves the world and more. She deserves a world without me.

April fools!!! You really think I'd let Sebastian just leave? Of course not! He's super insecure, but he knows that Y/N cares and would worry too much if he left. He also cares too much about her to leave.
Although this is an April fools chapter that I'm gonna take down in a few days,  this is a real look into his past life and how he feels. A lot of this stuff will come up in future chapters! So for those of you reading, you get a little sneak-peak!

Hey, what else do you want to see in this story? Should I do something to fix his relationship with Maru? Give me prompts! Let me know!

See any grammar mistakes? Inaccuracies? Don't hesitate to tell me!

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