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I opened my eyes to see a female cat in front of me. She had bright ginger and white fur. The ginger was pretty, and bright. It was almost orange. And it was so fluffy and soft. Her eyes were shining with joy and kindness. They were green, but her bright orange fur made them look ginger.
"It's alive! Oh my cat, it's alive!" Cheered the female. I didn't understand what she was saying, but it sounded nice. "Congratulations!" Said a deeper, rough, male voice, but it was somehow gentle.
"My first daughter!" Said the female. She was very happy, I wondered why. "And there's the Aurora! Perfect timing!" The female said with a huge smile across her face. She seemed so happy she was going to cry.
"Yes" said the males voice as he walked behind the female. He was slightly shorter, but bigger. He had grey and white, fluffy fur. His eyes were dim yellowish hazel.

"That's an Aurora Whiskers" the female said with an excited smile. I still didn't know what she was saying, so I cocked my head to one side. The male behind her pointed to the sky with his head. So I looked towards the sky. The sky was bright with colors. It made me happy. But I wasn't sure if that was something that normally happened, or if it was rare. But it was pretty.

"Aurora!" Screeched the female. The sudden loud noise made me jump.
"That will be her name! Aurora!" The female was saying something. She seemed excited. "Mom, please no, just no"  said the male. "Think of a more suitable name for a cat"

"Hmm" the female stared at me. It was creepy. But her smile comforted me.
The sky started to grow very bright, and it started to hurt my eyes. It reflected on my muzzle. "BlueWhiskers!" The female cheered, and the male let out a sigh of relief. "Because see!? There's a reflection on her whiskers, making them look blue!" She seemed to be getting happier and happier.

"Thank you! That's a cat name!" Said the male, then whispered "not Aurora, pft, what kinda name is that anyways?"

The female was staring at me now, not excited anymore, but joyful eyes. I cocked my head still confused of what was going on. "Whats up, Whiskers?" Said the female. "BlueWhiskers" said the male as he rolled his eyes. "Blue..." said the female in a daydream voice. "Whiskers" the male added. "Whiskers"
"BlueWhiskers!" Yelled the male. The sudden noise and anger in his face made me jump. I started whining and backed away a little. But he comforted me with a gentle apologetic face. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Said the female looking at the male. "It's fine" the male rolled his eyes and chuckled a little. "Don't get carried away, Mother. First things first " said the male walking beside the female and rubbing himself on her fluffy ginger and white pelt, with his own grey and white pelt, before sitting down beside her. "First you tell her who we are." said the male looking at me.

"Okay" the female nodded, calming down from her excitement. "My name is Pounce, this is StripeTail, your BlueWhiskers" said the female smiling. I was getting tired of all the talking, confusion, and lights, so I curled up in a ball and closed me eyes. I could still hear them talking.
"Yes, we're cats, I'm your brother" the male nodded "Most cats have two parents, a mother and father, but you just have a mother because your father died before you where b- " the male said, but was cut off by the female. "StripeTail!" She said in disbelief. I opened my eyes as the female continued to talk. "She was only born two minutes ago!" She said shocked.
"Ugh...she doesn't even understand our language yet" Sighed the male rolling his eyes as he turned his back, walking away. The female looked from me to the male with her muzzle wide open and eyes wide. "Than what's the point in telling her these things?" The male was clearly younger, and obviously remembered when things happen as a kitten, while the female seemed too old to remember that far back.


I was in light sleep. I could constantly feel the females rough tongue licking me. It felt nice. But didn't she sleep? Do cats normally get tired? Or was it just me? Am I different?
The male walked past the female and leaned down to my ear. "She sleeps too"  he whispered something that I didn't understand. "What are you saying to her?" Asked the female lifting her head from where she was licking, to look at the male. "Kitten stuff" the male yawned and cuddled up beside me. His grey fur was so soft and fluffy and comfortable. The female leaned her head back down and continued licking until I fell into a deep sleep. Then I wasn't sure what was going on. All I knew was that I was happy..... and comfy.

BlueWhiskers; The Beginning Of A Journey.
850 words.

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