Part 21

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After we finished eating lunch , we decided to have movie night at the house instead of going out .We let the kids decided on what to watch then all of sudden i started feeling nauseas. I hurried up and ran to the bathroom . I threw my guts up . Tay was right behind are you okay Gia, I looked up i don't know after we ate lunch I felt sick . Are you pregnant Gia? Pregnant? No Boy, I'm not pregnant. Are you sure? Tay asked . Yes I'm sure , I don't think I can ever have kids no more. Tay said let's go to the doctor to find out , I'll make you an appointment Monday. I said we can go , but I know I'm not pregnant.

Monday rolled around. We went to the courts and found my divorce now all were waiting on is for Charles to sign & then I'll be a free woman. After we left the court, Tay made sure he made me a doctors appointment. They lady said today at 1:30 Gia. I said we're wasting our time ,  im not pregnant. Tay said well we'll know for sure at 1:30 . I laughed alrighty then. I'm hungry I got a taste for Chinese food . Chinese food huh ? Tay said in a sarcastic way . You're definitely pregnant my girl . I asked why are you worried about if im pregnant. He looked at me and said because i want children that i know for sure are mine and i know for sure the baby inside of you is mine . I said ain't no babies tho . He repeated we'll see at 1:30 then drove me to the Chinese place . I took my phone out and seen Charles had inboxed on facebook . he said "REALLY GIA ? REALLY? YOU REALLY FILED FOR DIVORCE . YOU REALLY LOVE THAT COP HUH . BITCH IM GOING TO KILL YALL." I read it out loud to Tay , his reply was why haven't you blocked him on facebook . I don't give a damn about what he say FUCK HIM , he will be okay .

It was 1:15 , we arrived at the doctor. Tay signed my name in and we set and waited for the obgyn. Tay said since we're having a baby lets name him Tay Jr . I said what if its a girl , he said well Taynesha. I laughed and said how about No . Mrs. Tyner the nurse calls , I said coming . Tay and I went to the back . They weighed me , the scale said 175 , i said woahh I've gained alot of weight . Tay laughed and said that's because you're pregnant . I looked at him and said no I'm not , thats just from me eating. He said we're bout to see. I laughed the nurse came back in and said i need to get a pee sample follow me . I followed the nurse to the back and she led me to the bathroom. I peed in the cup and set in the little window of the bathroom. I went back to the room to wait for the results to come back. A few mins passed and the lady walked in and said congrats you're pregnant , i looked at her as if she lost her damn mind .

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