Part 34

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Tae's phone kept ringing and ringing steady going to voicemail. I tried 2 more times before I sent him a message. I waited for him to respond but he never did. I laid my head on the desk and tried to gather myself together but I couldn't nothing but think about Charles and his little scams. My phone started ringing and hesitated for sec then I took my phone out. It was Tae so I panic for a sec the it rang again. I threw my phone across my office. Tae walked in. I immediately start yelling and screaming at him, WHY YOU DIDN'T ANSWER YOUR PHONE! Then I continued, Charles staged as a new client once again. He came in her with his little scrawny ass and demanding that I leave with him and that he was going to make sure he killed you. I started to cry. Tae said wait stop babe stop calm down. What you mean he staged as someone else, did he hurt you or anything. I looked at him and said no he didn't but I was afraid. I didn't know what he was going to do. Tae grabbed me and said come on you're leaving for the day.

We arrived back at the house. I was still nervous and scared. I didn't know if Charles staid in the parking lot, and waited for us to leave and followed us out the door. I staid looking out the window every 5 mins . I watched every car passed by but there was one car that stayed parked by the stop sign for a long a time. I called Tae , he ran out the kitchen straight to the window. He said im finna go see who that is. When he opened the door , the car drove off very fast, I knew right then that was Charles. I immediately felt light headed . I set on the sofa and closed my eyes and then boom all of the flashbacks was coming back. All I could see was be laying on the floor with a bloody nose, black eye, trying to get up but I couldn't because he stomped me so bad. I finally got myself together and tried to go up stairs but I couldn't move. It felt like somebody was pinning me down. I started screaming Tae name. He ran back inside and tried to help me up but I couldn't move .

Tae totted me upstairs and put me in the bed. He said babe, I call my mom and see if she can get Jayden from school . Then I thought about it . I said Tae I thought you told me your parents was dead. I know for a fact you told me that when we first met. Tae looked and said yeah but im talking about my God Mom. Immediately started to get nervous and worried. Is this man hiding something from me. Should I be scared or am I just nervous from all of the things that happen today. 

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