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"action!" the director yelled.

it was as though my entire world shifted and suddenly the cameras and staff disappeared, and i really was just some young adult in a coffee shop talking to a friend.

my name is kim taehyung, and acting is my passion.

"hey" the other extra in front of me said. "let's talk? it'll probably look more natural than just sitting here quietly." the guy seemed to be around my age, if not younger.

sure, maybe i'm only an extra but i'm quite accomplished for my age—not to brag—i've been in a few movies before.

shaking away the internal smirk, i focused on the guy across from me. he had dark brown fluffy hair and a handsome face.

simply by habit, i analyzed him. he'd play a good role as someone innocent, or a kind character.

of course i felt bad for judging him, but i naturally observe my fellow actors now— it's just a habit.

observe and learn.

"sure," i replied. "what was your name anyways?" i asked, sipping on my coffee prop in character. although i'm only an extra, i put in my best effort as always.

"oh, my name's jungkook." he replied with a cute smile.


cute, just as i suspected.

i've always had a weakness to cute things, so all i can do is pray that the camera wasn't catching my possibly flustered face.

'just breathe, taehyung. calm the gay.' i told myself.

i pulled myself together remembering that i was working right now.

this is just work. it's my job.

"i'm taehyung." i tried my hardest to give a naturally casual smile.

he seemed to also have the same reaction as i did. hopefully it's not because my face looks weird, that wouldn't be good for my resume.

"cut!" the director yelled.

oh no, that didn't sound very friendly.

"you two." he looked at jungkook and i, sending a bitter chill down my spine at his authoritative voice. "you're not supposed to look more in love than the main leads."

the two of us flushed at his comment.

'in love?'

i avoided eye contact with them and look at the floor.

"sir, i don't believe it's us that are the problem, maybe your leads need to step up their acting. we're besting them without even trying." i heard jungkook's smug voice say, as i looked over to the cocky bastard in disbelief.

so much for the 'cute' jungkook.


thank you for reading!

votes, comments, and follows are greatly appreciated~

edited 11.12.18

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