23 | park jimin

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i need to stick to the plan.

i'm not sure how he'll react, but i already came this far.

it's currently 9:42AM— i already went to jungkook's apartment, but he didn't answer.

guess it's time for plan b.

with my bag of supplies, i tried to walk casually as if there weren't odd items in my bag.

that's why i'm here at taehyung's apartment, unlocking the door as quietly as i can with the key he gave me.

the door opened silently, i thanked the heavens that it didn't creak like in the movies.

i went in and slowly closed the door shut.

actually being here in the silence, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

stick to the plan, jimin.

i kept my breathing shallow, as to minimize my presence as much as possible.

i expected to see an empty room, but what i saw was rather unexpected.

taehyung and jungkook we're asleep on the couch together, and not only that, but jungkook was sleeping on top of taehyung.

my heart squeezed at the image of jungkook with his head on taehyung's chest. taehyung has his arms protectively around jungkook and they looked so happy and peaceful.

holy shit though.

i put a hand over my mouth to prevent any noises from coming out, but failed in my attempt.

they both woke up and noticed their position, then looked at me.

"j-jimin-hyung this—" jungkook said flustered trying to get up, but the blanket that wrapped around the both of them held him down.

i couldn't hold it in anymore, and i broke down my self composure.

"YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE I REALLY JUST CAN'T—" i squealed in one big breath.

i quickly took a picture on my phone, to show yoongi later.

"jiminnnnnn, please delete that!" said taehyung who was equally flustered. the two were wrapped up in a blanket, and couldn't get up due to taehyung being on top of the ends.

"why don't you guys just roll over?" i suggested, now a little more calmed down.

"it don't feel like breaking my ass, jimin." jungkook said sarcastically, yet he still had his flustered face that i would call cute if i wasn't faithful to yoongi. "or my face."

they were tightly wrapped up, so much that they couldn't move their arms. the small space of the couch left nowhere to go but down for them.

"well i don't know what to do, there's no way i'm carrying both of you. i could lay a pillow down..."

"that's just as terrifying since i can't move my arms..." jungkook pouted as usual— i guess it's a habit. "how did this even happen?" he said referring to the blanket.

"i don't know, how did you even end up sleeping on top of me?" taehyung said directly underneath him.

jungkooks blushed heavily and i suddenly understood why yoongi is always being so blunt like JUST LOVE EACH OTHER!

how frustrating...

"hey jimin why are you here?" said jungkook, ignoring taehyung's question.

"oh... i wanted to prank you but you weren't in your apartment, so i came to taehyung's." i pulled a pack of saran wrap out of my bag. "i just came in since i had a spare key, but i guess i walked in on your moment~" the both of them grew more flustered this time, and them being stuck together didn't help at all.

"jimin-hyung!" they whined in sync.

"fine, fine. since taehyung has his arms around you, he can break your fall a bit." i suggested again.

"lets just do that, i'm getting kinda hot here..." said jungkook.

"are you sure it's not because of all that blushing—"

"ANYWAYS...." jungkook interrupted. "can you support my head and back?"

"sure, i'd like to get out of here too..." taehyung agreed. he moved his hands to cover more sensitive areas. "one... two... three!" and they fell with the blanket rolling open.

"ah, thank goodness! it was getting so hot in there!" taehyung stretched.

"kim taehyung!" jungkook said holding his ass blushing harder than ever before.

"yes?" taehyung said falsely innocent.

"why would you grab my ass?" he huffed extremely embarrassed.

"you said you didn't wanna break your head or ass, so i helped you out. you should be grateful, jungkook." taehyung said teasingly.

"ugh, whatever..." he huffed again. "i'm going to make breakfast, if that's okay."

taehyung nodded in jungkook's direction chuckling, and jungkook left for the kitchen.

"you two are definitely into each other." i said, and taehyung looked at me with shocked eyes.

"is it really that obvious that i like him?" he asked bashfully.

"yeah, to everyone except him and yourself."

"but don't you think i'm being ridiculous? i can't be in love with someone who i thought i hated only a little while ago!" he whisper-shouted.

"maybe you loved him from the start, or i don't know, something cliche like that." i said less helpful than i hoped to be. "why don't you just stop thinking about that stuff and be happy? if you feel that it's right through and through then why should the past matter?"

"jimin... thank you." he smiled gratefully. "that helped a lot more than you might've expected, actually."

my heart felt happy at that. i'd do anything to make the guys happy.

"jimin! taehyung! i made chicken friend rice with some leftovers!" he called.

"i suggest claiming him soon, there's not a lot of guys who can cook, be kind, be willing to compromise, and be hot at the same time." i patted his back and went into the kitchen for jungkook's fried rice.

"this is so good! this is the first time i've had a home cooked meal in taehyung's apartment!" i said with slight envy of jungkook's universal talent.

it made me proud seeing the two become so close. they both have had issues of being left out, or feeling unwanted because of how unique they are.

now that the two have found their way to each other, the rest is up to them.

please be happy.


so did you think jimin was J?

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