2 | kim taehyung

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"you promised!" whined my younger cousin.

"hyejin, i can't just ask him to come when he's such a... busy actor." i tried to comfort the sad fourteen year old girl before she burst into dramatic tears as usual.

ugh, kids.

shut up taehyung you're only twenty-two.

"but you said you'd bring jungkook-oppa next time you visited!" she continued to whine as a cringed. i internally rolled my eyes at the mention of jungkook. hyejin was a fully crazy jungkook fan. her entire room was basically a shrine to him, she made it seem like jungkook was a god and she was a devoted believer.

she, like the rest of the public, is unaware of our actual relationship. everyone thinks we're best friends, and there are a lot of people on the set who ask why jungkook and I feud with each other so much, even though we've been in so many movies together.

well, the simple answer is that he was an asshole when we first met. honestly, our rivalry only consists teasing each other, so there was never any sabotaging or things like that.

that's why jimin always tells us we act like an old married couple. i always found that thought ridiculous, because who could ever be in love with someone as rude as he is?

what irks me even more is that he's only an ass to me. he's actually a very friendly, open person... just to everyone but me.

that's always bugged me because maybe if he wasn't so two-faced, we could've been friends.

i drew out a breath and pulled my hoodie closer to my body as i walked down the street. hyejin had shunned me out of her room to buy dinner, and is probably staring at her posters crying right now.

the only reason i put up with this emotional teenager was because her mom asked me to check up on her once a month. usually i help tidy up the place and talk with her, which results in me staying the night on her tragically small couch. she has a family situation with requires her to live alone at such a young age, but let's not get into that. that's a whole story in itself, after all.

i trudged into a nearby convenience store and welcomed the heating graciously.

"...faith, trust, about 2110mg of sodium," the guy at the register had just finished explaining, but the cashier didn't look amused in the slightest. wait, jungkook? a idea came to my mind as i pulled some money from my pocket. "58g of carbohydra—" i grabbed his hand and put the money on the counter, dragging him away.

to my surprise, he didn't say anything. he just... stared at me?

well, that just gives me time to actually think about what i just did. we reached my car and he still didn't say anything. even when i sat him down and closed his door he stayed dazed.

god, his he even conscious? i wasn't that rough, was i?

okay taehyung, rationalize. couldn't you just have... asked him?

his head jerked up and he spoke, once i closed my door, and it startled me.

"wh-wha— who are you and why are you taking me?" he asked with a slightly afraid tone. i had to hold back a laugh when his instant ramen cups (which are just cups of pure sodium, by the way).

"you're really stupid, but also really lucky that i'm not here to kidnap you." i pulled down my hood and he looked relieved more than anything.

"taehyung?" he asked without any sarcasm or rudeness for once.

"you were really giving that guy a scolding even though it's already 11pm," i said as casually as i could.

"he needed to be educated," he said without hesitation, to which i had to hold back my laugh. "why did you take me?" he asked. i personally wasn't sure why i suddenly grabbed him rather than just asked him. maybe i was just done with that little girl crying whenever i entered her apartment without him.

i released my breath, and swallowed my pride.

"...i need a favor," i said.

maybe this is my chance to get to know him a little better, since so far he hasn't been as rude as usual.

"uh... okay, sure," he replied without sarcasm. this surprised me a bit; the fact that he didn't ask for something in return or make a joke of it.

this is jungkook, right?

votes, comments, and follows are always very much appreciated!

thank you for reading!

edited 07.05.19

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