24 | special chapter

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i'm SO late, but happy easter everyone !!

*takes place a few days before the previous chapter

*still part of the story

Reader POV

"are you sure about this?" blushed jungkook, adjusting the bunny ears on his head.

"we made a bet, there's no backing out now~" taehyung replied unwaveringly. "besides, you look adorable bunny!"

the compliment only seemed to make jungkook more shy.

jungkook stood in taehyung's apartment with a pink fluffy hoodie, white jeans, and white shoes. to top it all off, he had a pink bunny headband and a white bunny tail.

oh, and don't forget the little hearts on his cheeks.

"oh, and here." taehyung handed him a basket filled to the brim with easter eggs.

"what's this for?" he asked inspecting the basket.

"we're going to the park!" taehyung grinned innocently.

"please, please tell me you're talking about park jimin." jungkook begged with childlike eyes.

"nope! we're going to the park have a photo shoot!" he cheered.

"a-a photo shoot? for bighit?" he said worriedly.

"nope! just for me and my camera." he replied turning to the door.

"come on! this is your punishment!"

jungkook rolled his eyes at this and regretted betting on jimin's initiative.

how was he supposed to know that jimin would actually try to wake up yoongi?

with a bitter newfound respect for jimin, he grabbed his phone, keys, and wallet making his way to the door.

the two had decided to walk there, because the weather seemed to be especially beautiful in particular that day.

"hey, is there actually anything in these eggs?" jungkook asked and popped open an egg. "am i allowed to eat this?"

jungkook held up a starburst with a face even min yoongi couldn't say no too.

"sure, but after your photoshoot you're gonna hand those out to kids at the park." he said casually.

"i think i'm actually looking forward to that... is there anything else?"

"no, but you have to keep the outfit on for the whole day!"

"fine, fine." he huffed. "just know that i won't show mercy when you lose a bet!"

"if i lose a bet."

the two continued on to the park feeling happier with the perfect weather, unconsciously holding hands.

the pink petals rained down gently from the trees. the sky was somehow just a little bluer, the grass a little greener, and the clouds a little whiter.

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