22 | jeon jungkook

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we binge watched disney movies, had a food presentation contest with bowls of cereal, and now we're lying down utterly exhausted from yet another day of fun.

i was borrowing taehyung's pajamas for the night. taehyung's bed was unavailable because we (taehyung) spilled one of the masterpieces (mine) (he was just salty because he lost).

taehyung insisted heavily on me taking the couch while he took the floor mat. he said something about his self deemed rule, but i would bet that he just made that up then. i insisted just as hard on my own made up 'self inflicted rule' and he appeared to believe mine was legit.

i'll take my grammy now, thank you.

so, here i am lying on the floor next to taehyung who's on the couch— we're sharing one gigantic blanket.

"today was fun, bunny..." he yawned. "good night."

"good night, tae." i smiled, but he didn't see it.

are you confused as to why i haven't been freaking out sleeping next to the person i love?

well, for four years i had to act out stuff much more intimate with him, so i think i'm okay.

but as a constant reminder anyways, my heart keeps pounding whenever i'm with him.

i rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling.

will he ever actually like me? it's a miracle that we've suddenly become close as friends.

maybe i'm spoiled for wanting more.

my thoughts were interrupted by taehyung's light snoring. it wasn't obnoxiously loud either— a huge upgrade compared to namjoon's when we have our movie marathons.

holy shit that's adorable.

would it be creepy if i watched him? i wonder—

taehyung shuffled a bit then rolled onto his side. except, he's on the couch so evidently, he fell on me.

"ow... taehyung are you okay?" i asked and realized his face was on mine.

"that's the second time today, taehyung... how am i supposed to stay okay with being friends, huh?"

i moved our foreheads apart and let his head rest on my chest.

wait, what if he hears it pounding?

i looked at him again, and he seemed to be asleep. he stopped snoring but he definitely looked to be asleep.

i sighed not knowing what to do.

he's told me he was a heavy sleeper, but damn, the world could be ending and he'd still be dreaming.

i wrapped his arms around my neck and lifted him with his legs around me.

i turned to the couch slowly and laid him down.

"you better not fall this time, tae." i lightly scold at his sleeping figure. "actually, no. please fall for me." i chuckled alone at my pun.

i tried to lean away, but his arms stayed wrapped around my body and then pulled me towards him.

"bunny..." my heart jolted to a stop and i thought he woke up, but he only mumbled in his sleep.

i sighed at how our positions were reversed, and laid my head on his chest getting on the brown couch as well.

"what am i gonna do with you, kim taehyung?"

i wrapped the two of us in the oversized blanket, and succumbed to the lullaby of taehyung's heartbeat.


awwww a short fluffy chapter

i'm kinda giving you guys a break from angst bc ❤️❤️ ily

also i'm feeling things because i originally advertised this story as 'angst free' but then i continued it after chapter 's' and... well... A N G S T

i'm going to vegas/arizona for the spring break with some of my best friends in the world (literally only the asian ones because that's how overprotective parent planning usually works) (& it's my first time going on a trip with my friends i'm so hYPE)

so i'm getting some chapters pre-writen!

have a lovely day, please vote, comment, and follow?~

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