14 | jeon jungkook

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it had been probably hours that i sat in the car blankly staring outside with tears running down my cheeks.

i couldn't even pinpoint an exact, specific reason as to why i was crying.

my heart hurt more now than when i stubbed my toe running.

does this mean we aren't friends anymore? no more running around the arcade like kids? no more sitting on the park bench with ice cream cones in our hands? no more teaming up on jimin? no more laughing together till it hurt? no more us?

two weeks of taehyung and jungkook, and i've already fully adapted to life with taehyung. i don't think i'm ready to lose it yet.

how can i go back to accepting that it'd never be more than just co-stars?

it was then that i received a phone call. the screen read 'taehyungie ❤️' my heart skipped a beat when i remembered how i got away with putting that heart there.

'why is there a heart next to my name...?' said a confused taehyung.

'a-ah well i... put a heart with different colors to categorize people! i just haven't started yet and you're the only one i got done so far...' said as smoothly as i could. hopefully my improv lessons could help me here.

'really? how cool! i'll put a hearteu next to your name too!' he said completely oblivious. he handed me my phone back and brought out his own. i saw that he put a golden heart next to my name.

'what does gold mean?' i'd asked.

even now i don't know what the gold meant, but i'll probably never know at this rate.

'it's a secret unless you tell me what red means!'

'hmm... i'll keep my reasons a secret then.' i said not wanting to admit that i'm in love with him yet.

'touché~ okay kookie!'

i snapped out of my flashback and answered the phone.

"IS THIS JOHN JUNGLE COOK?" i heard an elderly woman's voice loudly through the phone. she threatened me to come to bay park after claiming she was taehyung's grandmother. her voice left no room for reason and because bay park was popular, i'm probably not getting kidnapped. what's the harm?


"you! john jungle cook!" i saw an elderly lady pacing towards me.

'oh shit, it's her' i thought recognizing the voice from taehyung's phone. i saw taehyung in his car shaking his head at her which at least proved to me that this was actually his grandmother. taehyung doesn't seem to be reacting as bad as i did, i just hope i can explain what is probably a huge misunderstanding.

"hello, but my name is actually—"

"john jungle cook, what did you do to my baby?" she said interrupting me.

"my name is actually jeon jungkook," i emphasized with as much respect as possible. "uh... this is a very complicated and confusing situation for me as well. i hope you'd let me explain..." i prayed that she couldn't notice the redness of my eyes, how they might be swollen by now.

it wasn't a lie, because 20 minutes ago i was bawling out of sheer confusion and frustration.

'was he mad that i beat him to his own prank, or was there really no prank at all?'

she sat down next to me and suddenly looked more calm. she probably noticed my puffy eyes.

"jungkook, please tell me your side of the story. taehyungie, in that car over there— he came to my house around two weeks ago and was really happy about your new... friendship. please tell me your side of the story." there was a long pause before i started speaking. if i tell her absolutely everything, will she tell taehyung?

"there's some things that you can't tell taehyung, though. is that okay?" i said hesitantly.

"like what?" she said skeptically.

"like..." i debated on whether telling her would be the right choice.

i looked up at her and it was clear that taehyung meant so much to her. if already known taehyung was close to his grandmother.

"like how i've been in love with your grandson for 4 years now." a serene silence filled the air. ...is she homophobic? what if she makes taehyung stay away from me?

maybe i should have thought that through more?

she stared into my eyes as though she was searching for something, and her eyes told me she'd found it.

"...i approve, just don't break his heart ever again." she stood and walked away breaking off our conversation when it had hardly even started. she looked back for a moment and spoke, "call me halmeoni, jeon jungkook."

"ha-halmeoni, don't you want to hear everything? and what do you mean again? does that mean—" she looked back again with a smile this time, and a finger up to her lips that almost confirmed what i was thinking.

although, i didn't miss her quietly squeal, "i ship it so hard!"

the two sat in the car and i was still glued to my spot on the bench.

she said something to taehyung, and he looked at me. my heart fluttered at that, but it felt slightly different. maybe it was the hope that he'd give me a second chance, maybe it was newfound determination.

they drove away and i couldn't contain my smile any longer. i'd never had the secondary comfort of a grandmother, and my parents kicked me out of the house after i graduated high school when i came out as gay.

my smile doubled when i thought back to what she said.

'i approve.' she'd said.

this means that i have a chance, right?

my grin now large, wide, and whole hearted, i got back to my car and drove to my apartment with a newly revived motivation in me.

20 minutes ago, i believed i would go home with a broken heart and a loss of willpower to do anything, but i felt as determined as ever.

now, before i could try to win him back i want us to start again on a clean slate.

i picked up my phone and before i could even doubt myself, i texted him. 'meet at my apartment in an hour, we need to talk.'

one might say that a couple hours after what happened in the car is far, far too soon. despite that— i'm tired of waiting all the time.

let's play, taehyung.

well now, that conflict was resolved pretty quickly now wasn't it?

or was it really?

and i'm pretty sure you're all confused with the plot is but SORRY it's my first story after a looong time so please bear with me i'm trying my best :,)

is this story still moving too fast?

^^^^please comment and tell me about it!


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