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A/N: *hides*


really, they haven't changed at all.

they chose the absolute worst hiding spots.

the plan was to blindfold jin at the door, then lead him to the couch only for us all to jump out and surprise him after jungkook sets out the cake.

well, that was the plan.

but unfortunately, due to the lack of furniture in the room:

jimin decided to hide under the couch,

yoongi decided to hide behind it,

namjoon decided to hide under the cushions of it couch,

and hoseok decided to hide above the couch on a shelf.


i opened the door after taking a final glance at them

"taehyung i've been standing here for more than five minutes what took you so long?" he said with a fake pout. i told him that i had a birthday surprise and he instantly lightened up forgetting about his wait, instantly complying when i put a blindfold on him. that didn't surprise me—he's always been very childish despite being the eldest of the BTS group.

in silence the boys waited for jin to be seated on the couch. jimin and hoseok had their hands over their mouths most likely to keep their laughs in.

he sat down and I told him to stay put for a bit, to which he nodded in response, but namjoon and jimin looked like they regretted their decisions just about now.

"jin, take off your blindfold!" I finally said after jungkook set the cake down on the table. he reached up and began to untie it when suddenly he was shocked to hear a voice that wasn't mine and he paused.

"guys I.. I can't breathe anymo- more help..." a dying voice called out from under jin as he suddenly felt the cushions moving.

"IM SORRY FOR RUINING IT BUT ME TOO!" I heard jimin call out as well.

i internally facepalmed as jin shot up from the couch and took off his blindfold. before he could turn around, hoseok fell off the shelf and jumped onto jin's back.

oh, lord.

"SURPRISE!" he screamed out which probably didn't help the situation very much.

"WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?" jin started to question, hoseok now on jins back.

slowly, yoongi came up from behind the couch, only his eyes showed peering at jin silently.

"um... surprise!" i said awkwardly.

jin calmed down and took a look around and realization flashed across his shocked face as namjoon dragged jimin's remains from under the couch.

"wait..." his eyes widened and he started jumping and squealing and basically freaking out when he realized that the old group was in front of him.

(also, hoseok was flung off his back at some point)

"WHA—YOU GUYS ARE— HOW?" he ran straight to them and gathered us all in a big hug. i'm not exactly sure how he got all six of us in the hug but maybe it had something to do with his broad shoulders.

we all collapsed to the ground still hugging.

"you guys are idiots, by the way." i mumbled out.

"shut up taehyung and let us all just be idiots together," jungkook replied.

after a while, we all separated and began to talk to one other individually about the absolute failure of a surprise we just had a couple minutes ago.

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