26 | ? ?

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i'm switching to gold hearts because you all blessed me that hard 💛

&&&, this is the same '? ?' as it's been

if any other chapters are in the pov of ? ? it's this one same person


it backfired.

they haven't figured out who i am, nor why i did what i did that one night.

i heard that jungkook was scared to go back to his apartment, so now they live together.

this is not how i wanted things to go.

i sat at the table with my head in my hands, wondering how i could make taehyung look at me without ruining my reputation.

"what's up?" said yoongi coming into the room.

"... just stressed. this person i like is already taken and it's just annoying. i don't know what to do, since i still care about both of them individually." i said in the same position.

"well, if they're happy i don't think you should ruin that. but then again, if someone else was dating jimin i don't know what i'd do. i'd probably find their weak point and target that." his gaze snapped towards me. "if it's jimin you like, forget it because i'm not going anywhere."

i chuckled at his commitment and nodded.

"yeah, you two are an adorable couple, it's fun to see you two together." yoongi flushed and looked away.

"i know." he said simply and left the room.

a weak point?

it's a known fact that jungkook's parents didn't accept his sexuality. maybe i could bring them here?

i reconsidered this because i would rather not cause them that much trouble, all i want is to be with taehyung.

i like him, i think.

he was always smiling, always cheerful.

i'd like to be with someone like that.

i've never been in love before, i'm sure all that stuff about a tingling feeling is some made up poetry stuff.

maybe i should bring in his parents?


lol bye

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