34 | kim taehyung

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how we managed to play a few rounds of twister without the fort collapsing was a mystery, but then again this thing is huge.

we sat in a circle around the bottle in the middle.

"this is the kind of thing that girls usually do at sleepovers, you know..." namjoon said.

"okay but did we ask?" jin said sassily once again.

"stop flirting, you two." i said blankly, but internally smirked seeing namjoon glare at me.

"so! let's start~" i clapped my hands together. "i'll be first because i'm v for victorious!"

there was no argument besides the rolling of some eyes, so i spun the bottle— it landed on jin.

"hmm... jin-hyung, truth or dare?" i asked dramatically.

"truth!" he said.

as expected...

"describe your date from earlier today to us." i said catching him off guard.

"o-oh, that?" he said looking around a little awkwardly.

we sat quietly around jin like children around a mother, waiting for a story.

"eh? am i an eomma now?" he said playfully (probably to stall, though) . "look at my six beautiful children~ oh, except for jungkook." he said bluntly, to which jungkook acted offended. "jungkook gives me headaches."

"this is child abuse..." he whined with a pout.

"eomma look what you did! you made the baby cry!" all of us 'kids' went and gave the 'baby' a group hug.

so, that's basically how i ended up calling him baby bunny for the rest of the evening.

we ended up playing along to this family banter for so long, that we forgot about seokjin's dare.

jin ended up being the eomma, hoseok ended up being the appa, yoongi was the cool but scary distant uncle, and the rest of us were the kids— namjoon the eldest and bunny the youngest.

"ah, we completely forgot about the truth or dare game." jungkook finally said.

i collection of 'oh's and 'oh right's filled the tent, and we got back into our circle.

"where did we leave off?" jin asked, but nobody gave a sure reply.

"let's just start over, we can start with—"

"with j-hope, your sun!~" j-hope interrupted partially blinding us with his brightness.

"sunshine's our new sun." yoongi said with the corgi sleeping in his lap.

"shhhhhh, she's the sunshine, but i'm the sun itself."

"fine, fine, just stop blinding us my eyes hurt..." jin said.

"blinding you?" he asked and tilted his head to the side.

"ah, never mind, just spin the bottle hobi." jin said looking down.

"okay!" he spun the bottle and it landed on jin. didn't it actually land on jin the last time?

"um.. i'll go with truth." he said cautiously.

"are you currently romantically interested in anyone?" he wiggled his brows motioning towards namjoon.

"um... yes i am interested in someone..." he said secretively. "i really would prefer not to tell who though."

"that's fine! just ask me for help any time because i am the BEST wingman ever~" he winked at jungkook, making me uneasy inside. rather than smiling or playfully winking back, jungkook blushed.

what the fuck? i felt a bit of churning in my heart at the exchange.

"maybe someday, hobi." he avoided our gaze and we took the hint to move on.

"jin, your turn!"

he spun the bottle and it landed on taehyung.

"dare!" i said before he could even say anything.

"oh, are you sure?" he smirked at me. i eagerly nodded willing to do any dare he asks.

he started to obviously make eye contact with both jungkook and i, and it was then that i grew worried, but excited at the same time.

"i dare you to..."


lol i love y'all too 💛💛

there will be another update later today (in a few hours) so don't worry!

you all must think i'm some sort of sadist by now oof


also, i preordered my 'Love Yourself : Tear' album WOOT it's my first time buying one :,)

thanks for reading!!

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