28 | jeon jungkook

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my face feels warm, my lips feel hot, and my heart is on fire.

i kind of wish namjoon didn't interrupt us. what would've happened?

taehyung left to open the door, and i'm still laying in bed trying to comprehend that we just kissed.

okay, maybe it was a little more on the intense side...

but still.

i think what just happened was enough confirmation for me.

'let's talk about this later, i don't want to avoid it anymore, okay?' he had said.

i admired that trait of his. back when that situation in the car occurred, he got straight to the point when he came in.

maybe that's why we're so close after only 4 weeks, right?

i patted my cheeks to get out of my daze, and stood knowing namjoon would wonder where i was. smoothing down my hair and straightening my shirt like taehyung did, i came out of the room.


what's this?

i leaned in closer to the mirror.

my lips are swollen...

i'd noticed that taehyung's were as well, but i'm only concerned whether namjoon was able to tell or not.

namjoon and i are close because we're both kdrama enthusiasts, so i'm hoping that closeness would ensure his secrecy.

because what if J found out?

i figured out a couple nights ago that J was referring to taehyung— i connected the dots. that event happened suddenly after taehyung and i became close, and i haven't met anyone else new in particular; then there was the mocking way he called me bunny. there's no doubt in my mind that it's taehyung this person is speaking of, because who else?

but J?

i haven't the slightest clue as to who it could be.

a fan? a relative? a stalker? a friend?

i sighed.

why can't tae and i just be together with no worries? why is there always something or someone getting in the way?

i came out of the bathroom and cleared my head so that i could get myself ready for the day, for the sake of hoseok hyung.

when we were both ready, it was still only 10AM despite us moving slowly.

i felt a bit down when i noticed the two playing a video game together, seemingly having the time of their life.

"i got him!" taehyung cheered with arms raised high, a wide grin on his face.

"high five!" namjoon said in celebration, and they follow suit.

"we make literally the best team!"

"i know, right?" they smiled towards one another.

"hey, guys!" i walked in making my presence known.

"bunny!" taehyung's shot up like an excited puppy, but stayed in place. the action alone got rid of any potential jealousy i might've had.

namjoon awkwardly seemed uncomfortable when he said 'bunny'. i couldn't blame him, that's the way that most people would react to it usually.

"i can kook something small if you guys want before we leave, by the way." i suggested despite knowing that we'd be eating at the party later.

ah, the surprise.

the six of us (bts minus hoseok) planned to all come together and have a tiny party consisting of only bts to cheer him up. it wouldn't be like those normal adult parties, rather more in the style of our hyung.

if he was here to plan it, he'd want to play things like hide and seek, musical chairs, things like that.

hobi is always able to be bright and happy for our sake whether we're feeling down or not. i think that all of us want to smile with him again, and be his hope this time.

"it's okay, we can all just eat cereal so that we don't have to clean up much." taehyung said kindly.

namjoon and i chatted about our latest kdramas while taehyung sat back and laughed at our banter.

eating breakfast with the addition of namjoon made me realize something.

i want to date him now more than ever, so that guys like namjoon can stay away from what's mine.



💛💛 i was finally hit with inspiration an hour after i was supposed to publish this lmao but at least i know where the story's going now yayy

sorry for being a tad late, but have a lovely day !!

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