5 | jeon jungkook

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chapter dedicated to my mom— i was grounded but she let me write my book even if it's gonna be a secret from my dad lmao i love her

i speed walked back to my apartment, but it was nothing unusual. i take every opportunity i can to work out— whether it be taking the stairs up, taking the long way around, walking places, or speed walking to my apartment.

my point is that i didn't get this ass from being lazy.

i stopped in front of my door reaching in my pocket to take out my keys, but cold realization hit me when my hand hit the bottom of my pocket. i figured out that the only thing i'd grabbed when i left the apartment was my wallet, not even my phone.


it's clearly too late to ask the landlord for her spare key, or ask (beg) one of my neighbors to let me stay in their room for the night.

i could go to jimin's place... but he gets really grumpy when he's woken up and nobody likes grumpy jimin.

also, i can't get anywhere without a gps. i'll end up in daegu before i reach jimin's house.

resting my head against the cool wood, i already knew what i had to do. i already knew there was no way out of it. even if i slept in the hallway: the elderly woman from apartment 24 would probably steal my wallet.

the bitch did it before, even made her chihuahua attack me while she slowly fled to the elevator.

jesus fuck

i shuddered remembering that night. i didn't have the energy to do something about it. i refused to stress myself over a tommy hilfiger wallet and a $20.

at least she had the damn decency to put my cards and id in my mailbox.

anyways, i made my way to the apartment labeled '17 | kim hyejin' and knocked on the door. my watch read '11:58' and i cringed at the time knowing i wouldn't get near enough sleep tonight.

the door swung open and my eyes widened at the alarming sight before me.

taehyung was standing in front of me with a towel around his neck, with wet hair dripping down. his shirt clung to his body and he had shorts on. holy mother of fuck i have been blessed toniGHT WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS? i shit you not it is exactly the cliché you are imagining. maybe even better.

but this shit only happens in the movies, i am 100% sure my life just became a book. if anyone can hear my thoughts, i just wanna say that all of you readers better be ready for a long combination of irrelevant jokes, dad puns, eye raping taehyung, and me saying 'i'm bored' for hours without doing anything about it. thank you for reading.

"take a picture, it'll last longer." he said smugly.

i fought the blush creeping onto my face and shook my head.

"no thanks," i said. i knew i didn't have my phone, but i really wished i could take a picture right then. "um... anyways, i left my phone and keys in my apartment... would you or hyejin mind if i stayed here for the night?" i unintentionally held my breath. i am really pushing the boundaries today.

he quirked a brow at me and looked behind him.

"i think that would be fine..." i released my breath. "hyejin would probably tell you to stay forever if she was awake right now." he chuckled and looked at me again. "you can stay here as long as you're alright with sleeping on a mat and a pillow. i'm already sleeping on the couch." he stuck out his tongue and walked inside.

i sighed and followed him in. locking the door, i made my way to the area next in front of the couch and sat down.

he came in with a rolled up mat and a spare pillow.

"kook, you wanna help me with this?" he said.

"kook?" i repeated, but stood to help him anyways.

"i might as well call you that if we're going to be friends now." he said.

"friends?" i repeated what he said again in slight disbelief.

"it's been four years. let's try for the sake of everyone, jimin has been dying to hang out with you and i at the same time." all i could do was nod after learning that i wasn't the only one jimin pestered about being friendly.

my heart swelled when it hit me that we could be friends now and i didn't have to pretend anymore. maybe someday we'll be able to talk about the past; not today though.

i didn't care that taehyung didn't have extra clothes for me, that i couldn't brush my teeth, that i would probably wake up with a sore back tomorrow, that i would have to wake up early tomorrow.

the smile never left my face even as the lights were turned off and we both went to sleep.

good night, taehyung.


how do you like meme!jungkook? i feel like this chapter was really really overfilled with unnecessary thoughts but please give me feedback! like really! i can only make the book better if i know how to improve it!

comment feedback here —

thank you, again, for reading!

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