12 | jeon jungkook

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longer chapter for all of you! i'm so sorry for being a couple hours late omfgggg i legit woke up at 11:40 today and i was s h a k e n but then i remembered daylight savings and aaaahhhh but please enjoy haha ❤️❤️


it's been two weeks since that day at the mall— two weeks of pure bliss, in my opinion. jimin and yoongi's relationship seemed to strengthen after that day as well.

'they're officially my favorite couple.' i thought when i saw yoongi blush at something jimin excitedly said. 'too bad the rest of us are still single.' i knew that everyone else in the room envied the two.

by now, i'd completely forgotten about my frustration with the supposed prank.

everyone that usually works with us is still so shocked that we became so close in which a short amount of time. i couldn't blame them, i was in utter disbelief as well. ever since that day at the mall we broke any wall of hesitation and just... went for it. new people who may have heard we were enemies two weeks ago laughed in the persons face and didn't believe it.

i sipped my coffee on the studio bench outside, knowing i'd accidentally come extra early today.

"hey, bunny." taehyung waved after closing his car door. "you came early too?"

i was already used to him calling me bunny so i paid it no attention besides internal fluttering.

"yeah, i woke up earlier than usual." i answered still staring out into the rainy park across the the street. he sat down beside me without a word and stared out into the calming morning showers. i glanced in his direction and let his peaceful image engrave into my memory.

no words broke the comfortable silence, we just sat and thought about anything that came to our mind.

Compared to the other times we'd hung out, this is a lot more rela—

"have you ever thought that if a toy in toy story died, the kid would never know and the other toys would keep watching the kid play with the corpse?" taehyung asked disturbingly.

"now imagine how last one standing feels." i quipped.

we turned looking at each other for a bit and simultaneously looked back at the park.

"that's so fucked up." he said. "why are we so fucked up?"

before i could reply, the door opened and namjoon's voice cut in.

"you two, we thought you were running late! what are you doing out here? come on, they're waiting."

eventually we'd all gathered in the recording area, and our manager was updating us general company news.

"... also, jeon jungkook and kim taehyung are getting a pay raise." he said happily. knowing we would ask why, he continued. "since you two have been getting together so much lately, your shipping fandom has become very active in purchasing merchandise. please keep up the good work everyone!" he dismissed us and walked to his secluded office down the hall.

"wow, congrats you two~" applauded a cheery hoseok. the others smiled and congratulated us as well, but all i was thinking about is the inevitable fact that they'd all make us pay for stuff since we just got a pay increase.

i could just imagine it...

'jungkookie, treat your hyungs since you're so rich~!'

rolling my eyes at my imaginary version of my friends, i approached taehyung.

"congrats, tae!" i cheered for him.

"hehe, you too bunny!" he replied with just as much enthusiasm.

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