35 | kim taehyung

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lol are y'all ready for a cringe fest?

please leave tips on how i can make this not cringy :,)

"i dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with jungkook!"

"with bunny?" i looked at him and noticed him blushing.

"yup, since you two seem to be so close nowadays." he smirked dragging us towards the closet.

huh. this'll be fun.

internally smirking i grabbed jungkook's hand and pulled him into jimin's tiny closet. it was so small, we didn't even have the room for both of us to sit down.

perfect for jimin.

"we're starting the timer now!" hobi said through the door. "have fun in there you two, but not too much~" he added quietly. we listened quietly as his footsteps growing quieter and quieter till we heard the door of jimin's room close. we both were in silent agreement to stand up, being in such a small space.

this closet we're in is on the second floor, in jimin's room. the rest of the guys went downstairs, probably to continue the game.

"tae?" he breathed slightly anxiously. i felt his breath hit my neck and chills went up my spine.

"hey, baby bunny." i said using the nickname from earlier.

"what should we do?" was the air in the closet growing warm, or was it just blood rushing to my face?

"what do you want to do?" i replied keeping our volume just above a whisper.


it was pitch black, rendering me completely sightless. all i could do was wait from him to reply in the heavy atmosphere.

i felt hands grip my shoulder, and suddenly i was pressed between him and the wall.

he even remained quiet as he once again pushed his lips to mine.


"shh... it would be bad if they were to hear us, wouldn't it?" he said into the kiss, with an almost different personality.

i didn't reply verbally.

"hey, wanna knew a secret?" i whispered ever so softly after an eternity lasting all of fifteen seconds.

"hm?" he questioned half because of my interrupting the moment, half out of interest. i could tell he was nodding, by the way his body moved slightly.

"follow me, then." i pushed a hanging coat out of the way and proceeded to move through a small hole in the wall, after carefully removing the mirror that covered it on the opposite side of the wall.

"tae, why are we here?" he said when we ended up in the upstairs bathroom.

"hush, they're probably right outside of the closet now trying to listen in." i lightly scolded while replacing the mirror. my theory was proven correct when we snuck downstairs and none of the guys were there, nor outside.

i grabbed his hand, leading him to the back of jimin's property.

the backyard.

jimin's house was next to a park, and his house happened to be right up against the forest part of it.

still holding his hand, i pulled him into the endless ocean of trees.

"tae, are you sure this is safe?" he whimpered less than confident.

"aw, is my baby bunny scared?" i pulled his figure closer to mine as we walked.

"n-no! i'm just being c-cautious..." he stuttered contradictory to what he actually said.

"don't worry, i'll protect my baby bunny from the monsters even if it costs me my life~" i winked even though i wasn't sure if he could see it.

after roughly five or ten minutes of walking, we reached a certain tree and i halted.

the sky was turning dark, since it was somehow already 7PM.

"what is it?" he asked looking around.

i delicately put a finger on his chin and made him look up.

"here we are..." i said.

"what? what is it?" he asked confused.

carefully, i moved the giant leaf-woven covering i made, and something equivalent to a dream tree house came to view.

"this... did you make this?" he asked incredulously.

"no, but..." i paused thinking for a bit. "it's a long story." i said as we climbed up and into the spacious wooden room. it was well built and actually had a proper door, and a proper window. the boards were straight and it was clean just like i remember it. there were pillows, food, drinks, a broom, notebooks, and a makeshift bed inside; all the way i left them.

it'd already been around two months since i came here, so i should probably clean up.

"well, we have the time." jungkook said interested. moving a dust cover, the actual bedsheets were shines neat and fixed. he sat on the bed facing me as i grabbed the only broom.

"are you sure you wanna hear? it might be kind of boring." i warned.

"i'm sure, if it's you telling the story, i could listen all day." he shifted into a comfortable position, and rested his head on his hands.

"okay..." i cleared my throat lightly. "my mom and dad actually used to live in jimin's house. they were going to graduate college soon, and since they had a kid on the way, they moved in together. my dad had built this whole thing for me back then. he was going into an architectural field, i believe." i looked up from my sweeping to see if he was still paying attention, and i was happy to see him staring and nodding at my words. "around the time he finished it, he got into a... a car crash and didn't make it." i said rushing the last part feeling something indescribable since i never met him. jungkook moved off the bed to wrap his arms around me halting my sweeping.

"go on. i'm right here." he said not letting go.

"my mom and i lived in that house for a long time. i used to spend a ton of time in here acting out one-man plays for nobody, which made me think of becoming an actor. my mother supported me with all her heart, but s-she passed before i graduated as well." i let out a shaky breath but pushed on forward. "i moved in with halmeoni for around a year or maybe more, then moved to an apartment when i first started acting with bighit." jungkook tightened his hug, and if anything, it's probably because of our unspoken past rivalry. "i had a.. less than appealing first day and i think we both know why..."

jungkook chuckled, yet seemed to be holding every emotion inside at the moment.

"i think..." he stated breaking from the hug and leaving his hands on my shoulders. "it's about time we talk about the past."



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