42 | kim taehyung

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we woke up that morning to knocking on the floor door.

"taehyung? jungkook? are you guys up here?" i heard namjoon call from the ground.

i squinted my eyes at the light shining through the roof and groaned.

'maybe if i just keep quiet he'll leave.' i thought.

i looked to my side to see jungkook cuddled to my chest, using my arm as a pillow.

my arm is numb as hell— but it's okay as long as it's him. his face looked so pure, so at peace. the sun perfectly resonated with his glowing skin, his dark purple hair, his long eyelashes, his strawberry lips that seemed to be swollen.


"kim taehyung, jeon jungkook! i know you're up there!" namjoon called.

jungkook hasn't woken up yet, but he groaned a bit and moved off my arm.

the angel looks so peaceful like this, i decided to get up and answer.

namjoon was the only one who knew about this tree house, after that day he discovered it.

i smiled at the long passed memories. namjoon and i used to come up here to talk when times were rough, when we needed to vent.

we haven't done that in a few months.

i opened up the door.

"hello, hyung~" i said with my cheerful mood that carried on from last night.

"taehyung!" he said. "is this where you guys have been all night?" he said with exasperation.

"yeah, jungkook's still sleeping, but didn't he text you?"

he pulled out his phone and went to our group chat.

tae's bunny

i stared dumbfounded at the simple text.

"yeah that's how we felt when we saw the closet empty. also, he changed his name... did something happen last night?" namjoon said suggestively.

"hmm..." i pretended to be deep in thought. "maybe, maybe not." i grinned.

"you've gotta tell me! i'm your bestbestbestbest best friend!" he whined begging.

"nope! it's a secret~"

he sighed at me.

"fine, fine. but are you... together?" he said quieter as if there was someone around who shouldn't hear.

"i think so... but don't tell anyone yet." the smile never left my face. "i'm so happy!" i cheered quietly remembering that jungkook was sleeping.

namjoon returned the smile.

"aw, you guys are so cute together." he looked in the direction of jimin's house. "i'll let you two enjoy your morning, then."

"okay, bye hyung!"

he waved at me and left.

"we are together now, by the way." jungkook said laying on his stomach beside me.

"j-jungkook i didn't see you there!" i flushed.

"i know, and i heard your whooooole conversation." he winked.

"oh..." i looked away embarrassed at my slight fan-boying over him. i on pulled the fabric of his t-shirt towards me and gave him a light peck. "good morning, boyfriend."

he giggled and returned the gesture.

"good morning, boyfriend."

with this newlywed atmosphere in the air, we eventually left the treehouse.


OooOoOoh a short chapter, you know what that means ;)

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