side story #4 [part 1]

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If there are any contradictions to the original story, I'm sorry. This book is so long and it's been two years since I wrote it... + I can't fact check myself for every little bit, but I hope you guys enjoy it nevertheless!!

"Truth," Yoongi said getting cozy in his seat with a latte in hand, knowing they could do nothing about it.


"Retell the actual story of how you and Jimin started dating, then," Jungkook replied turning to face the mortified blonde with a devilishly innocent smile, "and not the fake story you guys staged for everyone on set."

He sputtered a bit at the unexpected question, and reactions of "ooh" and "oh shit" filled the van. "You all know the story, why do we need to tell it again?" he asked trying to keep his cool despite his flushed cheeks. "I'm 99% sure Jimin's told it a million times." He made eye contact with Jimin, turning his cheeks a lovely shade of rose.

"That was Jimin's perspective, I wanna hear your take on it. Plus, the readers haven't read it, so shut up and tell the story already. The author made them wait one hell of a long time for a special and, no offense, you're just an appetizer," Taehyung scolded, pulling Jungkook closer by the waist, "we're the main course."

Well, that shut him up.

"Ugh, alright so we'd only just met back then," Yoongi started.

"We already know all that, skip to the good stuff!" Namjoon complained.

"Chop chop!" Jin added backing up his boyfriend, much to the dismay of the blonde, who rolled his eyes and continued with his story.

"Basically we ended up spending a day together at an amusement park because of a certain main course— I mean couple of boyfriends," he said eying the duo sharply. "Well, the original plan was for the four of us to go together to get Jimin over his fear of roller coasters."

"Actually," Jimin interrupted cheekily, "that wasn't the plan." Yoongi raised a brow. The statement caught the attention of the eldest four immediately, curious as to what details they'd apparently been left out of. "I guess it's been long enough for us to just laugh about it anyways. Let me start from the beginning."

☆彡 3 years ago [around the middle point of extras] ☆彡

"Jimin it's been years, and it's physically impossible for you to get any thiccer. You hear me? And you're losing some thicc with every day you don't confess your undying love to him," Taehyung explained seriously, holding the elder by the shoulders. "You can do this."

"I, you, um," Jimin stumbled over his words. "You're not wrong," he eventually nodded accepting it for about 4 seconds, but his expression soon fell as he grabbed Taehyung by the shoulders. "I don't wanna do this please just come with us!" Jimin begged dramatically hugging him. "We can just all spend the day together! It'll be fun!" he begged.

"No backing out! Be strong! I know you can do it!" Taehyung said teary eyed, dramatically hugging him back.

Jungkook stared at the two in utter disbelief. He wasn't even jealous, just... he physically couldn't prevent himself from rolling his eyes. They were hitting a new level of their acting careers with nobody but himself there to witness it. He got out of his seat, and walked to Jimin's door to open it.

"Okay, you're like twenty minutes late already, he might just leave at this point y'know?" Jungkook snatched up the smaller boy easily from *cough* his *cough* Taehyung, and carried him to the curb.

"Wait but you didn't return your tickets yet!" Jimin yelled as one last attempt to chicken out of confessing. "Weren't they expensive?"

"We didn't buy any in the first place!" Jungkook yelled back as they drove off.

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