[6] Do you not like us? [6]

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"I don't lie Cayde" I smirked at him, even though he couldn't see it.

"THAT IS FALSE." AZ obviously had to open his big mouth.

"Alright we need to take out the rest of these guys then we should be fine" Cayde ducked behind cover and began shooting the Cabal.

AZ turned around and we engaged combat with the Cabal.
The first group got absolutely destroyed! We dashed towards them and with one swift strike, sliced them all in half with the broadsword.
The second load of Cabal also met their grizzly fate. They were all further away so we phased dashed, unholstered the leadwall and shot them all with the 4 shots (It was actually 3 but we wanted to make sure that blood was splatted across AZ chassis.)

"Piece of cake" I smugly muttered


"It's a saying AZ... it means easy.."


Cayde and (Y/N) returned from their cover and thanked for our assistance.
"Thanks you two. Only one casualty" (Y/N) announced.

"Casualty? Who died?"

"I did" She put her hands on her hips.

"Then how are you here?" i couldn't be more confused.

"Oh shit yeah." She pulled out that weird ghost thing "These guys can resurrect us from the dead"

"Wait. Seriously?!" I climbed out of AZ and stepped forward to take a closer look at the ghost.

"Yeah, they are connected to the traveler" she pointed to the giant planet in the sky "only certain people get chosen. Us Guardians" she guestured towards her and Cayde.

"No chance I'm a guardian then?" I chuckled, kind of hoping i was one.

"We don't know. Maybe." She shrugged "You need to die, and then maybe a ghost will resurrect you."

"Sounds comforting" I said sarcastically and raised my eyebrows. "Where are we goin-" I was interrupted by rain hitting my helmet, causing me some kind of sting. "What the fuck?" I ran my hand across the top of my helmet and it began to shatter "AZ! Open up!!" I ran towards him and phased in, it's not something I'm used to, but this was an emergency.

"Mimick! You need to let us in!" (Y/N) and Cayde were banging on the chassis of AZ "If we don't hurry up Cayde is gonna malfunction!"

"There is no room in here! Just cower beneath"

Cayde started to spaz out, his arm began to spark and move on its own, slowly followed by the rest of him.
"Open the FUCKING HATCH!" (Y/N) was demanding this now.

I gave into her commands and opened the chassis, AZ picked them both up and shoved them in with me.

"Head to some kind of cave or something!" (Y/N) was taking to AZ


"Fucking do it AZ" i was getting stressed out, everyone was yelling and i didn't like it.

AZ began to run, with a combinations of phase shifts and boosts we were covering ground extremely fast.

With both Cayde and (Y/N) it was getting extreamly cramped in the chassis, i have only ever shared this with one other person.

"Where are we going AZ?" I asked, pretty frustrated.


Cayde's arm was spazzing out more than ever. He kept hitting the chassis and pressing multiple buttons, i way praying he wouldn't hit the emergency eject, i have no idea when i would be able to get AZ fixed after that. Eventually Cayde hit me, the button on the side of my helmet.. making it fly off my face.

I started to panic, knowing that (Y/N) was looking at me, examining every detail of me. The shock on my face sure as hell wasn't making me look nicer.

I kinda wanted to rip Cayde's arms off. Scratch that, i DEFINITELY wanted to rip is harm off.

"Fucking hell" I couldnt talk to AZ properly, my helmet was on the floor, out of reach. "AZ!! HURRY THE FUCK UP!!"

I cowered my head in shame, hoping (Y/N) would get the hint and look away. She eventually did, even though it want easy since she was on my lap.


"Get the fuck out!" i mashed the 'Open chassis' button and pushed them both out. My helmet also came out with them and cracked in half on the floor. "No! Fuck!" I jumped out and picked it up, staring at it is disbelief i tried to fix it.

I asked AZ of the repair kit and started to get to work. In the mean time (Y/N) made a campfire and tried to repair Cayde.

"Mimick..." (Y/N) came and sat next to me, watching me repair my helmet. "Do you not like us?"

"What? No?" I looked at her, a mix of sadness and confusion was written across her. "I-I don't not like you guys. I'm just more of a solitude kind of person."

"That doesn't seem like you. You seemed to like being the center of attention by scaring everyone back at the tower." She faintly laughed to herself.

"I-I just-" i wasn't really sure what to say "Sure i like attention- But i also like being alone. I work alone because i don't like seeing the people who i love leaving me forever." I started to think about the many partners i was assigned, and all their grizzly fates. "Also- i'm a bit of a psychopath when it comes to killing."

"I definitely saw the psychopath thing back there." referencing the Cabal fight. "Why don't you like people seeing your face?" Her hand was on my back, comforting me as i spoke.

"My face? Im a well know person back at home, a lot of people are out to kill the real me, my not my alias 'Mimick'."

"What did you do then? As the real you?"

"The real me..." i never really open up to people like this, but i could feel the weight being taken off my chest as i talked. "Hazel Cooper, Jack Coopers daughter. Thats me. My Dad was responsible for taking down the IMC's plans to destroy my home planet 'Harmony'. Therefore all the surviving members took it to themselves to kill him, but once they learned he has a girlfriend and daughter.. well you can imagine what happened to my Mom." I started to tear up "For a while it was just me, my Dad and BT, another titan. Eventually i joined the Malitia, and due to my Dads rank i was easily able to climb up the ranks, i became a pilot in no time and left. I wanted to be a lone wolf, except my Dad wouldn't let me, he assigned me a partner, i get what he was trying to do, but i didn't want anyone with me. After 4 previous partners, i finally found one i wanted to keep. His name was Evan, oh my god he was amazing, we became more than friends, but like all my partners, he was KIA" I snapped back to reality after rambeling "Oh fuck- i just realized, i haven't stopped talking"

"Its fine. I'm happy you have opened up to me... Hazel" She kissed me on the cheek, not a romantic kiss, a motherly figure kind of kiss.

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