[21] Does This Feel Different? [21]

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"Light?" Kat looked confused.

"Yeah. The cats name."

"It has been like 3 weeks since we got him and you finally figured out a name you like?"

"I wanted it to be special. Light is the reason that you are alive right? So it is special to you. And my light is special to me."

"Will he keep you alive?"

"Well he might be bulletproof but i dont want to test it out."

"Sounds reasonable."

"Anyway! Jet is ready to go get that gem, are you?"

"Of course i am."


"How do you guys not find this place creepy?" I asked them. The building was an old abandoned vault from the late 2100s.

"I have done stuff like this multiple times." Kat defended.

"Well i am a little scared." A Jet said that he turned to face me and i noticed his colour was bright orange, i think that is when he is tense.

"I have a location on the Zabulurobismuthite." Kat's ghost announced to us. "It seems to be located deep in the vault."

"Any lifts around here?" As we traversed deeper into the vault the lights became dimer too. The visor on my helmet, Jet's eye and Bux lit the way for us.

"Stairs." Jet said.

"I'll race you." Kat challenged.

"You're on." Jet replied. To say the least, Kat had no idea what she was getting into. Jet instantly used his tactical stim and ran at lightning speed down the steps. She tried to catch up but had absolutely no chance, he was going 10x the speed of her.

"That'll teach you." I said as i ran to follow them.

"EXPECT ENEMIES AHEAD, THEY ARE AFTER THE ZABULUROBISMUTHITE." AZ told us through the comms. He was waiting on the surface since he couldn't fit through the door.

"Thanks AZ. We will keep an eye out." I replied. "Do you think we can sell this for heaps of credits?"

"This will be worth a lot at home. The IMC will treat us like gods if we brought it to them."

"Not the IMC. The Militia."

"I wasn't actually planning on selling it to them... They are bastards."

"Well if they take you from your previous life i'm sure you will keep a grudge."

"Yeah." He replied, his eye glowing red.

"Guys, think i found it." Kat was already in the next room.

"Wait really-" She really did, it was a large purple glowing shard. "AZ scan it."


"We. We found it." I was speechless, i went to reach for it but Jet slapped my hand.

"What are you doing? If you touch that it will kill you." He instantly picked it up and shoved under his back's armour plates. "Let's get going before we get gunned down."


<- Kat's POV ->

"Ikora!" Mimick called. She practically ran across from the hangar to the bazaar, ignoring everything and everyone. "We have it!"

"Very good. Now i will be able to build the portal. Are you ready?" Ikora stated, she had special gloves on and took the gem from Jet.

"Of course i am!" She said. Honestly i wasn't ready for her to leave, but i didn't want to ruin the moment for her.

"Very good." After a good 30 seconds of tinkering the portal was built.

"Is tha-"

"The IMC Sim center..." Jet interrupted. Seconds later we could hear AZ and FC make their way to the bazaar, Jet must have called them.

"Sim center?" I asked.

"It was where he was made."

"Everything about my previous life is here." Jet's eye was glowing an extremely bright white, a blinding white. Without question he jumped through and we could see him on the other side. He used this super fast thing and ran into the building.

"Are we supposed to chase after him? Or?" I asked.

"I think we are." Mimick replied. "I swear he was a phase shift sim... since when has he been able to stim like that?"

"Will this portal say open?"

"The Zabulurobismuthite will only be able to last an hour or so. After that we will need to wait a day or two for it to recharge." Ikora replied

"Okay. So once we jump through close it, then in exactly an hour open it back up, we will be waiting to come back."

"I will do that." Once she said that Mimick and I jumped through the portal. I was instantly met with the smell of fumes and metal.

"Jet! Slow down!" I yelled, i'm normally used to using my sparrow.

"He cant go far. I guarantee he is at the main terminal." Mimick commented, she was just walking slowly. I slowed down too and walked beside her.

"Does this feel different?"

"What do you mean?"

"Does this place feel like home to you?"

"If i'm being honest. No. I know that my Dad and BT are here, but other than them i didn't have anyone here that i cared about."

"Cayde, (Y/N), Ikora, Zavala, Xara, Light, Nidia and so many other people care about you. Especially me. We are all at the tower."

"Do you want me to stay?"

"Of course i want you to, but i don't want you to change your mind because of me."

"You are the biggest reason i'm staying."

"Wait. You're staying?"

"Yeah, i like it in your universe. Also, i can always visit my Dad. I cant leave my girlfriend for too long."

I just smiled at her and kissed the side of her helmet.


<- Jet's POV ->

My data is here? My previous life is on this giant computer.

"Why do you rust buckets keep coming back?" A voice behind me called. They grabbed a hold of all the wires going into the back of my head. I instantly phase shifted and escaped their hold. "Oh you stupid robots, never learn." I saw something in their hand, an EMP. Before i could react i was fried.


<- Mimick's POV ->

"Dad, i'm at the IMC Sim centre. will you and BT get down here? We just saw an EMP go off and have a feeling shit's about to go down."

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