[9] This isn't a love story [9]

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I smirked at Cayde's comment and waited inside of AZ's chassis.

"Would you like to get some food together?" It was Kat, she had a big box with i assume is food inside of it. "We can go for a picnic. Most places where you can get food wont let you not pay."

Irealised that she was being honest, i have no 'glimmer', the only money i have are credits. "A picnic?"

"Yeah! Once Cayde has fixed your helmet we can go to this nice place and eat there!"

"Are you planning on me saying yes?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like.. Like have you already got food for me?"

"Yeah, its in here with mine." She held up the box again.

"Fine, but im pretty hungry so im eating a lot of food."

"Good think i packed a lot!" Kat has a very positive attitude to everything, childish almost.

"Kat is a good cook." Cayde interrupted our conversation, with my helmet fixed none the less. He passed it through the gap.

I put it on and everything worked, i linked with AZ again and jumped out. "I can take that if you want, I'm stronger than i look." Surprisingly Kat is actually the same height as me, thats a first.

"Its fine. You would need to fly, my ship is getting its repairs done."

"How did you even crash it?"

"A certain someone is a fast flyer." Her ghost appeared out of nowhere, and to be honest, it scared the living daylights out of me.

"Bux, i think we found her weakness" Kat joked with her ghost, earning a death stare from me

"Ugh, where are we even going?" i looked behind us and saw that AZ wasn't behind us "AZ?! Where are you?"


"J-just stay on the comms then, ugh. You're lucky i can control my own stim."

"Stim?" Kat asked, she was getting in my ship.

"Its a stimulant. If i get shot at or something it can heal me. I'm not as altered as some Pilots so i cant take too much or i'll pass out."

"Why are you not? I'm sure pilots are treated the same?"

"Not really. The male and female pilots are different. We all go through a process. It goes, exoskeleton, jump pack suitability, nano blood, stim 1.0 BUT if you are a female you will get the option to go into a 'cleansing' phase."


"They remove our ovaries, so we cant have kids. They say its so we can focus on combat, not our periods and shit."

"Did you do it?"

"Yeah. I was asked to do it maybe a few days after Evan died so I wasn't in the right state of mind." Ugh what is wrong with me?! I was getting emotional again, this Kat girl is messing me up!

"I'm sorry that's what they did to you."

"Well what can i do now?"


"This just looks like any old mountain... How is this special?"

"Look!" She pointed down to the city, the city that the tower overlooks "Dont you think it looks beautiful?"

"I guess?"

"Come sit down" Kat had already set up a blanket and the box "I hope you like chicken, don't tell Cayde i said that."

"Uh, I have never ate meat."

"How?! It's so nice"

"I never ate it as a kid and just grew up not ever trying it" I never had a reason to not eat meat, i just didn't

"Try some." She passed me the sandwich. It looked really weird to say the least.

I removed the bottom part of my helmet, uncovering my jaw and lips, but still keeping the rest of me hidden. It was actually pretty good. "This is nice".

"Yay!" She gave me another one and then chomped down on one of her own.

I noticed her ghost sleeping? I think? on the blanket next to us. "What is it doing?"

"Hes just chilling. He isn't listening if that's what your asking, i asked for some privacy."

I picked him up and looked at him closer, he was red with tags all over him "Whats with the graffiti on him?"

"I get bored. Bux doesnt mind when i paint on him. I noticed that AZ has artwork on him too, did you do it"

"No, back at home there was someone who offered nose arts and paints. They are a hefty price but they turn out amazing. I decided the Giraffe Taxi paint and Raven nose art."

"I can add some more flase if you would like!" Her dark brown eyes looked like they were staring into my soul.

"Um no. You can paint matching ravens on my ship though."

"Oh" she seemed disapointed "Okay, i'll do it soon." She was playing with the courner of her cape, it looked like she was taring the stiching apart

"Uh what are you doing?"

"Oh! Nothing! Habit!" We both sat in comfortable silence as we ate our food. "What are your plans for the future?"

"Damn, already asking the deep questions? Haha, i dont know?, well step 1 is to get outta here and get home Step 2? I wanna get the FIL89, thats the weapon i was after before i got into this mess. Then step 3? Probably get AZ some upgrades. What are yours?"

"I really want to learn more about the Leviathan. It's a massive intelligent creature that resided deep within the ocean of the gas giant  long ago"

"I have no idea what any of that shit means."

"I don't expect you to know." She stood up and brushed herself off "I think we should head back."

"Your calling the shots now-"

She interrupted me by kissing the side of my helmet, where my cheek is "-Yes" She climbed into the ship and sat down

"This isn't a love story you know! I'm not going to fall for you from a kiss." Sure she is kinda cute, but i'm not into girls...... Am i?

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