[17] I'm Her Girlfriend [17]

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*The video above shows how BT-7274 and Jack Cooper sound and act. Also its a cool scene. ALSO Jacks voice actor is Matthew Mercer, the voice of McCree from Overwatch*

"Hazel.... I-"

The door slammed open and Cayde came rushing in. "Mimick. AZ is back, and he has a surprise for you. I'd get to the hangar quick." He soon shut the door and left us.

That sure as hell ruined the mood, but none the less we continued with our moment "Hazel. I'm happy you feel the same way. This is going to be great." Kat hugged me and rested her head on my shoulder. I felt a lot taller than normal, does my suit make me smaller?

I picked my suit up from the floor and put it on, making sure i had all my gear in place. It needs to run like clockwork.

"Hazel. What do you think AZ has for you?" Kat had put on her simple armor, not her new set.

"Maybe he has proposed to FC." I joked as i put my helmet on and clicked it in place, the blue light lit up the dark room.



"And who might that be AZ?"

"JACK." As he said that he projected a hologram and standing their was Jack, my Dad.

"Dad?" I was absolute star struck, under my helmet i was tearing up. I walked over to him and se seemed surprised to see me too.

"Hazel. I'm so happy you're okay." His voice sounded so different from what i remembered.

I attempted to hug him until i realized that he's not physically here. "I'm okay. You won't believe what i have done while i have been away. AZ and i got teleported here, I made some friends, another Pilot showed up too, oh my god so much has gone on!"

"I have already talked to Cayde. He said he was getting you home." As Dad spoke i looked over to Cayde and his thumb was up with a smug look over his face.

"Yeah. I can't wait to see you and BT"

"HELLO THERE MIMICK" Right on que BT appeared in the hologram, as he stood up he appeared to be at least 5ft taller than AZ.

"Hiya BT. Are you still talking to that other Titan, PN-176?"


"There are plenty of fish in the sea."


"I think that's enough big guy." Dad interrupted and got BT to step away from the hologram. "I'm looking forward to seeing you home, I have a surprise."

"Can i see it now?"

"Magic word?" Dad raised his eyebrows at me and playfuly crossed his arms


He pulled out a black and red SMG, not just any SMG, the FIL89 weapon! "You have it?!"

"Yeah, once i heard that you were going after it BT and I wanted to meet you there. Once it was gone we found someone selling it, so naturally we fought for it instead." He paused for a moment and i felt something on my shoulder. "Who's that?"

I looked to my side and Kat was leaning on me. "She's K-"

"-Her girlfriend, Kat" I looked at her and her warm smile stopped me from saying anything, and the fact that i like what she said. As she said it i noticed that Jet's eye turned bright purple, he was speaking to Cayde, but obviously listening in.

"It's nice to meet you Kat, helping her get home i imagine?" Dad smiled at her as Cayde and Jet listened in.

"Of course, Jet and I actually got a piece yesterday." She was being very enthusiastic about it.

"Whos Jet? Another friend?"

"He's a Sim. He got here the same way i did."

on Que Jet came over to us "Phase shifting. Never buy illegal modifications."

"I'll keep that in mind- wait.. IMC?"

"I used to be. As a matter of a fact i used to be programmed to come after you, obviously i would do that anymore, my original programming has been scrapped."

"THAT'S VERY GOOD FOR YOU JET. I APPLAUD" BT appeared again, still much taller than AZ.

"Yes. It isnt something simulacrums do so i am proud of myself."


The tension between them was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I didn't want this to get out of hand so i cut in. "Anyway! We should be one third of the way done! I can't wait to see you!"

"I'm sure you just want the gun" He joked as AZ made the hologram turn off.


"How much do you trust Jet?" Kat and I were in her room, she said she wanted to take me somewhere special and that she needed to get her good armor.

"I can'r really say much, i have only known him as long as you have."

"Your Dad didn't like him."

"That's because he was trying to kill him." I answered, it was true.

"Yeah but what if he is just trying to become friends with you so you can get stabbed in the back." Kat stood up and grabbed my hands.

"He wont. Anyway if we suspect anything we can just EMP him."

"I'm just scared.."

"Of a robot? Are you scared of Cayde too?" I joked as i put my helmet on, the blue glow shining on her face.

"I'm scared of you getting killed. You're not a guardian, you cant be resurrected"

"I wont get killed. I'll be fine."

"I hope that's true." She rested her head on my chest and i put my arms around her. "I don't want to lose you."

"You'll never lose me. Unless we go into a maze or something."

She looked up at me, chuckled, put her mask on and started to make her way out the door. And she was right, she does look nice from behind.

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