[10] Cross That Bridge When You Come To It [10]

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I'm sorry im taking forever to update, i have been updating my Wrench X Reader story and i have been playing Fortnite non-stop :D

"Why did you say that i can't tell Cayde that we ate chicken?" I questioned

"He has a pet, Colonel" Her bright smile lit up her face, Bux was just floating beside her

"A chicken? Back on Harmony pets are just robot versions of the actual animal."

" A robot cat..." Bux mumbled

"You like cats?"

"They are very intelligent creatures"

"Eh, tell that to all my previous cats"

I started up the engine of the ship and we went back to the tower.


We arrived back at the hanguar and the first person to greet us was Holliday. "Ikora wants to see you Mimick. She was here earlier but couldnt find you"

"Um okay." I started to walk away "I imagine she if going to yell at me for something"

"Cross that bridge when you come to it" Kat smiled at me and ran off with Bux.

On the way to the Bazzar i saw some familiar guardians, Zavala, Banshee and those sweeper bots.

"Ikora, Amanda said you needed to speak to me?"

"Yes Cooper. (Y/N) has given me the mission report and i do not agree with your methods of handling things"

"What do you mean? I killed the bad guys didn't I?"

"Yes, but in a rather grotesque manner. It was described and 'disturbing and gory'"

"That's how i work, if you don't like it then get me of this fucking planet." I wasn't liking the way she was critiquing me, i work in one way and one way only... Fucking my way.

"I do not approve of your attitude, Cooper. I have arranged for you too meet someone who will help you with your anger and rage."

"Seriously? A fucking therapist? Hell no" I turned around and was about to storm away until she grabbed my arm. Her hand was pressing my tactical button, releasing 5 other holo-pilots. "You fool! You just activated my trap card!" I blended in with all of them and began doing a little dance, all of 'us' in sync.

"Uh." Ikora waved her hand inside of us all, missing me so i wasn't caught. I love doing this to people, it is the funniest thing ever, their faces are always priceless.

"Missed me" I ran away, leaving my holo-pilots to mess with her before they disappear.

"Cooper! Get rid of these!" Little did she know, i was already gone.


"I dont get why you sleep in that thing. You have a perfectly good bed." Cayde was knocking on AZ's chassis, waking me up

"You do know i have an alarm.... I dont need you to wake me up every... single... morning.." I climbed out.

"Well every time i come here in the morning you are asleep.. Its 10am.."

"Yeah i like to wake up at 10pm"

"Ikora told me about last nights events."

"Hm.. I'm not going to that stupid therapist.."

"She isnt a therapist... She just wants to talk to you." Cayde put his hand on my back and directed me up the stairs. "Look, her name is Nidia and she is the nicest person ever. She requested to speak to you because she is fascinated by you, the way you work and how your body works."

"She's a doctor."

"Yeah. She was the person who saved (Y/N)'s life, and solved some of our problems"

"I'm not one to like doctors"

"Just speak to her, she won't try to touch you or tamper with you. She wants to help you Hazel"

I stopped dead in my tracks. "Don't Cayde. Only (Y/N) knows that, dont tell anyone my fucking name."

"No one will hurt you for your past" Cayde stood in front of me, his bright blue eyes were staring into my helmets visor "You're just putting pressure on yourself."

"I can't help it Cayde." I walked away and left him.

"She's in the medical office!"


"Hello?" I knocked on the door and peered my head in.

"Hiya Cooper." She had long black hair and it was tied up into a pony tail. Her hand was out for me to shake. "I'm Dr. Flores but you can call me Nidia."

"Hi Nidia" I shook her hand but she gave me a weird feeling. Her long white lab coat made her look like a surgeon, not a nice doctor.

"Please sit." Her office was a light blue theme with lots of plants and flowers. "I'm happy you came to speak to me" Even though she set me off ease her smile seemed to calm me down. "How are you doing?"

"Okay? I guess.."

"Did Cayde have to wake you up? I hope i didn't disturb your sleep"

"Yeah he did. It's okay, i needed to wake up anyway"

"Oh im sorry." Her face displayed sadness. "Anyway, Ikora arranged for me to meet you because she was worried about you. Do you know why?"

"Yeah, its because i apparently get out of hand in combat. My anger is getting out of hand according to her"

"What did you do?"

"Um, there was this group of bad guys and AZ and i killed them all, but we ran over to them and shot them all multiple times while they where dead. We definitely did do it a bit brutally but that's just the way i work"

"Do you like spilling blood?"

"I know its bad to say but yes. I only do it to the bad guys though, i would never do it to someone who i love"

"You have love?"

"Wait? What?! No?!"

"Who was you refering to when you said 'someone who i love'"

"Just... My friends"

"Who are they?"

"AZ, (Y/N), Cayde... and Kat"

"I have met Kat before, she is a wonderful woman. But you must be weary."

"What do you mean?"

"She has visited the tower before, I used to be her doctor, but she left unexpectedly. Others noticed some new habits she developed before she left, she might just do the same again"

"What did she do?"

"Some guardians noticed that she fidgeted a lot, tore her cape to shreds at the bottom. Also her ghost seems to pester her when she gets uncomfortable."

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