Chapter 2.

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After reading (Y/N)'s message, I immediately realized that my shift was just about over so I quickly hurried over to the kitchen in my workplace mumbling to myself. "She better had done a good job.."

"Already done with your shift?" A voice called out behind me.

"Hm?" I quickly spun around from my phone now facing my working buddy a.k.a my 'very long childhood friend', Jung Hoseok.

"I can see you're on your way out without me! No fair~" He whined with a playful punch to my arm.

"Well...yeah. I have to get home to (Y/N)."

"Hm? She's home?" He immediately cuts me off with wide eyes. "Isn't she supposed to be in school?"

I rolled my eyes from annoyance. "No. She wasn't 'feeling good' so I told her to stay home. And since I already knew she was faking it, I purposely trashed the whole kitchen for her to clean." I shrugged my shoulders before crossing my arms together.

Hoseok's eyebrows perks up from shock. "W-what?"He rubs the back of his head debating whether or not to continue his statement. "Yoongi, I know you guys went through a lot..but that doesn't mean you cou-"

I shot him a fierce glare, daring him to finish his last words.

He quickly gulps down those last words to his sentence, now deciding it was the right choice. "U-uhm...forget what I said! Heh heh..." He starts to laugh nervously and went for another light playful punch to my arm for the second time.

I made a sour expression. "Look Hoseok, my shift is over and so is this conversation. It looks like I should get going." I turned around,  hanged up my apron, and slung my book bag over my shoulder.

"See yah." I peeked over my shoulder when I said my goodbyes to Hoseok before walking out the café without turning back.

"Bye.." His expression dropped after watching me exit the door. He slid his hands inside his pockets before continuing back to work.

"I wish nothing but happiness for the both of those poor souls.."

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