Chapter 16.

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Grunting while pacing back and forth in the living room only made my mood worsen. The fact that (Y/N) thought it was okay to run out the house like that is beyond me.

Seriously, who does she think she is disobeying me right after me specifically telling her not to see that boy?

I started drowning myself in my own thoughts and questions. Then it had hit me. Flashbacks shot in my head of when we were younger of course.

How they both met. And how I met him. Come to think of it looking back, Taehyung was such a kind, warm-hearted kid that made me wanted to gag. He was so innocent until the car accident that happened.

His parents were the cause of my parent's death. Thanks to them, (Y/N) could've lost her life too and if that happened, I wouldn't have anyone right now.

"It is his fault..." clenching my fists, I stomped upstairs back to (Y/N)'s room. "Such an idiot. When she comes back I'll make sure they won't see each other again!" Yelling in frustration, I quickly grabbed the nearest object without thinking and threw it across her room.

Her cell phone.

I began raging even more, letting my anger take over. I threw all of her products, shoes, clothes, jewelry, and makeup everywhere while yelling at the top of my lungs at the end.

Taking out my last bit of anger I went over to her closet and ripped open a box full of paper and books, aggressively throwing and completely destroying it.

I looked around and collapsed on the floor breathing heavily.

Something wet started dripping down my cheek. I looked up at the ceiling but saw nothing leaking.

I looked back down and touched my cheek. I flinched.

I was crying. Real, actual warm tears started to prickle down my face. I tried to prevent anymore from falling but it felt impossible. So I just sat there all alone in the middle of (Y/N)'s room and cried.

I felt hopeless and weak. I was angry. At (Y/N). At Taehyung. At everyone. At myself.

I looked down at the piles of shredded paper and torn books I just ruined not too long ago. Something glittery and pink was hiding beneath the pile. I went over to pick it up.

It was a diary. An old, pink, torn out, sad looking diary.

Flipping through the pages I couldn't help but notice the handwriting, at how big and sloppy it is. I started to read a page.

May 4th, 2003

'Dear Diary'

hi! mommy gave me this and told me that i can write in here whenever i have something special to tell her. she is either busy at her job or sick :(   so she promised me that each night when i am sleeping, she will read my diary since i can't tell her anything during the day. She told me to first write 'Dear Diary' which is kinda silly. but at least i have something to tell my secrets to!

After reading the first page I immediately started wondering. Could this be (Y/N)'s? I never knew she had a diary. There's no name written anywhere either. I skipped a few pages and continued reading.

June 22nd , 2003

'Dear Diary'

today is a happy day! Yoongi and i went to the park to play and make friends. he got me a cherry ice cream. my big brother is the best! also, i flew for the first time on the swings! but yoongi helped me a little hehe. i love yoongi :)

A small smile was quickly drawn on my face as I read the last sentence. I went over and sat down on (Y/N)'s bed and continued reading more.

July 14th, 2003

'Dear Diary'

i am feeling sad today :(  mommy is really sick and daddy is still working. he didn't want me and yoongi to go to the park today. there is this mean kid that bothers me at the park. he hurts me a lot. he told me that i am poor and ugly and he stuck gum in my hair. i wish I couldn't see him no more

July 20th, 2003

'Dear Diary'

i cried and i cried and i cried. i do not like crying. it hurts me. it hurts my eyes, my stomach, my head, and my heart. yoongi is helping mommy feel better. daddy is at his job. and now i have to make food for the both of them. i don't have no one. i don't have any friends. i feel lonely.

I stopped  and read the paragraph over and over again with my mouth open. I continued skipping and reading.

July 22nd, 2003

'Dear Diary'

i made a new friend at the park today! he is really nice and funny. he is my height, a little shy, has brown hair and brown eyes, and is really cute. he taught me how to fly on the swing since he thought i was doing it wrong. but we played a lot of games which is okay so i know that he is my friend. his name is taehyung! but i like tae tae better :3

I gulped and looked over at the date again. 'July 22nd, 2003'. Yeah, I remembered everything that day. Without knowing, I continued to read more. About how Taehyung helped (Y/N) from her bullies. How he bought her ice cream everyday. How he played and spent time with each other. How he was there for her when she was feeling down. How he made her laugh until her stomach ached. How he lent his shoulder for her to cry on. And how he kissed her under a tree. Well, pretty much a small peck I guess.

Either way, he was just....there. He was always there for (Y/N). In her happiest and darkest days. He always have been there no matter what.

I stood up and turned to the next page but it was empty. I raised an eyebrow and turned to the next one. Every page was blank until...

August 23rd, 2003

'Dear Diary'

he is gone.

he doesn't come to the park to play anymore. he doesn't help me when i feel sad. he doesn't buy me ice cream. he doesn't make me laugh or smile no more. he doesn't protect me from the bullies no more. because he is gone. forever. kim pushed me down the slide at the playground. sadie also spilled mud water all over my new dress. yoongi doesn't go to the park anymore too. he is acting different now in a mean way. have i done something wrong to hurt him? either way, he wouldn't speak to me. he is with daddy at the hospital right now since mommy is really sick. i don't think she reads my diary. so she doesn't know that  i have sad days more than happy days. he is gone. he promised me that we would play with each other everyday at the park to play and feel happy but...

I felt a lump in my throat forming as I slowly flipped the next page and saw nothing more than three words written in the middle of it.

...I feel lonely.

More tears had already escaped my eyes  before I could stop them from falling. Is this how she felt? What she had to deal with what she went through? At the age of five? I flipped through the diary but the last few pages were ripped out.

No. There has to be more. There has to be more clues of what happened.

I angrily flipped through the other blank pages until something flew out which startled me.

I went over to picked it up with shaky hands.

It was a picture of a little girl and a boy standing in front of a tree. The girl had her long hair loose and free. She had on a navy-blue overall with a pink shirt beneath it, paired up with some flip flops. The boy was wearing gray cargo shorts with a black t-shirt and some sneakers. His brown hair hanged over his eyes while his arm was rested over the girl's shoulder. They both wore the brightest smiles any kid could have. Theirs were unique and genuine. Her smile was wide enough to expose all of her baby teeth. Big but cute. While the boy's smile was very large and boxy. Their smiles showed nothing but pure happiness.

It wasn't long enough until I found out it was (Y/N) and Taehyung.

The smile on my face soon disappeared until I heard the front door open from downstairs.

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