Chapter 19.

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"Ugh, it was just one game of air hockey."

"And?! You know how much I hate it since he always gets the victory!" Jimin crosses his arms as he watches Jungkook chanting.

"I won~ I won~" Jungkook coos.

I sighed and continued walking ahead as a certain someone catches me eye.

"Hm?" I stopped in my tracks as I saw (Y/N) standing at the end of the sidewalk across the street.

It seems that Jimin might've noticed her as well.

"Wait, isn't that (Y/N)?" He tilted his head to the side. "Why is she standing there all by herself?"

I shrugged. "Don't know." I raised my arm. "Hey, (Y/N)-....huh?"

A mysterious man slowly approached her while holding an object.

Jimin froze. "Uhm...."

Jungkook soon realized then called out to you. "Hey, (Y/N)! We're over he-"

I quickly smacked my hand over his mouth as I pulled the both of them behind a bush with me.

"You idiot! There's a man there!" I hissed.

Jimin slowly peeked his head over the bush as his eyes grew wide. "....A gun. H-He has a gun Mae!"

"What?...." Not believing what he said right away, I quickly looked towards (Y/N) then to the man taking wobbly steps, while holding a gun.

Shitshitshitshit. My head was hurting to much to think.

Jungkook started panicking. "Mae, Mae! What do we do?!"

I immediately snapped out of it. "Yoongi. Where the hell is Yoongi?! Their house is not too far from here I'm going to go get him. In the mean time, call the police and make sure he doesn't shoot that gun."

I bolted down the street as my tears came the best of me. Realizing what I'm doing, what I just said, made me panic even more. But I had to do something. I have to try. I have to get Yoongi.


Unable to speak, I picked up the picture as my tears came non stop.

"You think you're starting to remember now?" Yoongi asked.

I slowly nodded my head. About to make a response, I was already interrupted by the loud stomps coming from the stairs.


It was Mae.

We both stood up with worried looks.

"Mae? What's wrong?" Yoongi asked.

Tears streaming down her cheeks, she grabbed Yoongi's arm.


And before I knew it, Yoongi was already running out the house.

* * *

Hearing footsteps behind you made you alerted. Glancing hesitantly over your shoulder, there behind you is a man with a tiny, terrifying grin.

"U-uhm...may I help you?" You gulped as you kept your distance away from him.

His gaze fell upon you. His red, glaring eyes looked at you head to toe. "Wow. Look how fast you've grown."

You began stepping away from him.

"You really don't know who I am, do you." He spoke in a raspy voice.

You stood there completely terrified. "N-No. Sorry but I don't." Already aware about the gun being gripped in his hand, you became even more cautious and distant.

There were no cars passing through the streets. Stores were closed and it was at least nine-thirty at night. Plus, you didn't have your phone on you. No use of calling for help.

Without knowing, the man had dropped the gun and grabbed your shoulders, pushing you against the brick wall of a building testing to lift you afterwards so that you wasn't able to touch the floor.

You stared at him, fear running through you. "Let me go. I want you to let me go!" You begged.

He began digging his fingers deeper into your skin. "Since you're not showing me the respect I deserve, I mine as well knock some sense into you to do so."

He was so close to your face you could smell his nasty, hot, alcoholic breath that was the same scent of Yoongi's clothes that day when you found him injured.

Your heart raced. God no. Please don't tell me.

He dug deeper into your flesh causing warm blood to run down your arms.

A lump formed in your throat as tears threatened. "Please stop."

"Please stop." He mocked you.

This man is out of his mind and drunk. You had the strong feeling in your gut about knowing who this man is.

He hiccuped before leaning in to whisper something in your ear.

"Since I didn't have the chance to kill your brother, I mine as well just kill you first." He shoved you then let go.

You fell to the ground wincing from the pain.

He quickly went over to pick up his gun.

"Fine." You said taunting him. "Pull the trigger. You won't do it."

He sighed.

The gunshot can be heard all the way to your house around the neighborhood.


A/N: We're reaching at the end of the story! :)

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