Chapter 8.

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Your heart was slamming against your rib cage uncontrollably as you bolted up the hill to Namjoon's house. Out of all people, it has to be Yoongi?

But what happened to him?

Horrid thoughts began to appear in your head and you couldn't stop it. Tears escaped your eyes which made your vision blurry and slowed down your pace.

You continued to run through the neighborhood where Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok lives. You were positive that Jin and Hoseok could be at Joon's house since the three of them are all close friends of Yoongi.

As you finally spotted Namjoon's house, you picked up your pace and ran up the door steps. You took a few seconds to catch your breath before banging on the door.


The banging stops when Namjoon finally opens it.
"(Y/N)! You're finally her-" He spoke but was immediately cut off.

"Where is he?!" You screamed and gripped on his shirt.

He grabs your wrist and lowers it. "Hey, please calm down.." His voice was suddenly a lot calmer than before.

"I can't! If Yoongi's dead, I'll lose my mind! I'm freaking out, I can't lose my brother you have to understand that. He's my everything and I love him so much! Even though he became bossier and strict, always giving me punishments when I don't listen, he still loves me and I know it! He does it because he cares about me and he's just stressed and worried ever since our parents died. P-Please, he's the only one I have left..." Your  voice cracked and the water works came down even harder. "If he's gone I won't survive..I already lost the only two people that I truly adored...I-I can't..lose another part of me...."
As you finished your sentence, Namjoon stood there speechless.


You heard a small familiar voice coming from the living room. You froze and looked over Namjoon's shoulder to the inside of his house, and there you saw Yoongi.

"Y-Yoongi..." You hushed out his name with tears still flowing down your flustered cheeks.

He's breathing. He's here. He's alive.

Unfortunately, he didn't look like he was in good shape. He was resting on the couch with a blanket on top of him. His hair was messed up and his cheeks were bright red. He had a black eye and his hands that were hanging out, were bruised and dripping from blood.

You couldn't believe your eyes. He didn't look so good. He looked like in such an awful weak state.

"(Y/N), come inside..." Namjoon took your wrist and slowly pulled you in since your legs wasn't working all of a sudden.

"We got lucky and found him wondering in the streets looking like that." He turned to Yoongi who was dozing off.

"...Who's 'we'?" You asked.

"Jin, Hoseok, and I. We were going to watch a movie and invite Yoongi along but he didn't pick up his phone. So we headed to your house to check up on him but on our way over there, we found him..." His voice started to trail off.

"Then why'd you call Yoongi's phone again late at night if you already found him?" Your eyes were still fixated on Yoongi as you spoke.

"We figured that you would be home at that time. We tried calling your cell phone but you didn't pick up either. So we called his phone since he didn't have it on him when we searched him....but we were surprised that you didn't call any of us sooner about Yoongi..." He then sounded confused.

And just like that, the thought of you and Taehyung playing at the park came up. Your phone was dead, that's exactly why.

"Sorry...I didn't arrive back home until around you called at the right moment I guess.." You slowly walked up to Yoongi and kneeled down to his sleeping figure.

"Im glad you're alright..." You reached out to hold his hand and dug your face in his chest.

It wasn't long until you slowly lifted your head. Something made you back away. It was his scent that made you scrunch up your nose. He reeked of strong, old cologne and alcohol.

Your expression had shifted downward from worry. " Are you kidding me?" You whispered.

"(Y/N)? Is there something wrong?" Namjoon walked up to the both of you.

"Why does....why does he smell like alcohol? D-Do you think.." The horrifying thought popped in your mind which made you stand up with your fists bawled.

"How come you guys not found out about his scent?"You questioned, trying your very best not to shout at Namjoon from anger.

He took notice of the tone in your voice, make himself scoff. "What? Now how hold.." He finally looked down at you. "Of course we eventually knew about his scent-"

"So then why didn't you guys call the police? He probably had been beaten up by some drunk dude, he could've been KILLED!" You shouted.

"You wanted us to call the police so they could think that your brother could've been the one drunk? We found Yoongi not a drunk guy beating him up. We had NO proof of someone jumping him. And how do you know if Yoongi actually was beaten up? He could've been the one that was drinking, who knows?" His words were sharp that made your sad tears to angry tears. You couldn't believe what he just said.

"So you think Yoongi was the one drinking?!" The anger inside of you began to rise uncontrollably. "He would never drink, you hard head!" You clenched your jaw, wanting to yell at Namjoon even more.

He breathed in and continued running his mouth.
"You should be thankful that we found Yoongi and brought him here immediately because, IF WE DIDN'T—"

The door flung opened by Hoseok and Jin.

"Namjoon? (Y/N)? What's going on?" Jin was carrying a few bags along with Hoseok. You assumed they came back from a store for supplies to get Yoongi patched up.

"What's with all the yelling?" Hoseok glanced at the both of you while setting down the bags.

You looked down with your eyebrows furrowed and your jaw still clenched, holding back from the yelling and shouting.

Namjoon looked at you then back at them. "I-It's nothing." He calmed down. "Here, I'll help you guys..." He walked over and and took some bags and left to the kitchen.

Jin watched him then turned his attention towards you. "(Y/N)...what happened?"

You breathed out and tried to calm down as well.

"Sorry..I'm just feeling a little tired right now. Is it okay if you dropped us off back home?" You turned and looked at him with pleaded eyes.

Jin rubbed the back of his head. "Uhh..sure, I mean it is late at night, but you don't want us to help you—"

"P-Please?" You cut him off with a shaky voice. You wanted to leave from the place away from everyone.

Jin looked at Hoseok who nodded in agreement. He turns back to you and sighs.

"Alright then. Let's get going." Him and Hoseok helped you carry Yoongi to the car and drove off back to your house.

All the way there, you tried your very best to hold on your tears.

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