Chapter 12.

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It was already half way through the day. I sat down in my seat and turned back to (Y/N)'s desk that's located behind mine. I was pretty upset as to why she didn't come to school today. She's my only friend I have at this point, so it was pretty lonely a bit for me.

Sighing, I put down my pencil and pulled out my phone from my pocket thinking to myself if I should text her or not.

I scrolled to her contact name and started typing on the keyboard. As I finished, I stared at the text for a good ten seconds. "I shouldn't bother her now..."

I hit the back space button a couple of times to erase the whole text message and slipped my phone back in my pocket, finally starting my work.

* * *

When class was over, I started packing my things and looked down at my schedule since I'm still new to this place. "Hm. Looks like I have lunch next."

I stepped outside the classroom and looked around.
An obnoxious group of girls ran up to me squealing catching me off guard.

"Oh my god! You're the new transfer student!"
"What's your name?!"
"You look so hot in that uniform!"

I thought I was going to have a panic attack. Another girl came after another like a bunch of angry wolves and I was their prey; ready to be eaten up.

"I...uh-...uhm" I took a few steps back trying to at least have some personal space, but couldn't since they were literally on top of me.

One of the girls just took their time to sweet talk me while batting their eyes and blew me a kiss.

It's really getting harder to breathe.

As I was desperately going to make a run for it, a voice called out which made the girls stop yapping like little puppies.

A boy somewhat my height, big orby eyes, bunny like teeth, a very nice smile, with brown parted hair walked over where I was.

"Ladies!" He began. "I miss a day of school and already, I've been replaced by a new transfer?" He acted as if an arrow shot through his heart. "I'm in pain!" He whined.

"Jungkook!~" The group of girls ran up to him giving him a group hug.

"Ew Jungkook, what are you even doing?" A girl appeared behind me. She was like (Y/N)'s height, had long straight black hair, brown eyes, rosy cheeks and had a nice light pink shade to her lips. Very natural.

She turned to me with a smile on her face. "Ah! You're Taehyung, right?"

I looked down at her grabbing my attention. "Uh yeah, I am-"

"Soooo that means you checked up on (Y/N) yesterday, right?" She grinned.

I raised an eyebrow. "Yes...I did-"

"Oh that reminds me! Is Yoongi okay?" She interrupted me once again."

I scratched behind me head. "I'm sorry?"

She paused. "I gave you (Y/N)'s phone number and address yesterday, don't you remember?"

"Uhhh..." I looked at the floor and shook my head.

"My name is Mae? (Y/N)'s best friend?" She raised and eyebrow.

I stared at her until it took me long enough to realize. "O-oh! That's right! I'm so, so sorry." I bowed at least in a ninety degree angle in a apologetic manner.

I heard her giggling. "It's okay! Don't worry about it. You remind me a lot of (Y/N). She has a really awful memory."

I looked up and saw her giving me a bright smile.

"So where you heading to?" She asked.

"Ah, well you see.." I looked down at my schedule. "I have lunch right now."

"Really? So do we!" She turned around to Jungkook and another boy standing next to him.

He too, looked handsome. His hair was dyed silver and nicely parted, some piercings were flashing in his left ear, he had bubbly round cheeks and pink full lips. But he definitely looked shorter than (Y/N) and her friend, Mae.

Mae's voice caught his attention. He came up to us with a smile on his face. "Hey Mae." He looked at me afterwards. "I see that you're a new face around here."

"That's right! He's the new student." Mae exclaimed. "Jimin, this is Taehyung. Taehyung, Jimin. He's a close friend of (Y/N) and I."

Jimin held out his hand. "It's very nice to meet you!" He smiled wide enough to make his eyes disappear just like crescent shaped moons.

I hesitated for a bit but shook his hand with a smile in return. "Same here."

"We should get a move on, Taehyung also has lunch this period too." Mae took my schedule and showed Jimin.

He examined it for a while. "That's great!" You can sit with us then."

Mae turned around and saw the group of girls still flirting with Jungkook. "Let's go Jungkook, say goodbye to your girlfriends!" She rolled her eyes.

He called out with a grin. "Yeah, yeah in a sec!"

Jimin chuckled and went up to him while squirming through the mob of girls. "Come on you flirt.."

Jungkook spun his head around wanting to refusing Jimin's action. "But-"

Jimin grabbed his arm and dragged him along.
"I'll see you guys later!" Jungkook waved back at them.

I followed them to the lunch room with a smile on my face.

'I think I just made some new friends.'

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